Saturday, May 29, 2021

I Hope A Scottish Side Win The Europa Conference League

I Hope A Scottish Side Win The Europa Conference League For Season 2021-22.

The Europa Conference League is a new European trophy for European sides. 

Scottish clubs have not won one of the major UEFA trophies since 1983. When Aberdeen won the European Super Cup against Hamburg of Germany. 

Although Scottish sides have won the cross border Scottish Challenge Cup in the last few years, 

I would love Aberdeen, St Johnstone, or Hibernian to win the Europa Conference League. 

I would also like Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers to go far in Europe. But I think the Champions League and even the Europa League are too difficult now for a Scottish side to win. 

But the Europa Conference League is still capable of being won by a Scottish side. As there are only a limited number of sides from the big European nations in the trophy.

I really think clubs of Aberdeen's size can win the Europa Conference League with bit of luck. 

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