Friday, May 28, 2021

I Am Glad The Lowland League Has Voted Old Firm Colts In

 I Am Glad The Lowland League Has Voted Old Firm Colts In.

A vote seems to have allowed Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers to enter colt teams in the Scottish Lowland League for a season. 

I hope all the big Scottish teams can play colt teams in either the Highland League or Lowland League.

That includes Aberdeen, Dundee United, Motherwell, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee. 

Maybe even Inverness Caledonian Thistle, Peterhead, and Ross County could second choice sides in the Scottish Highland League?

This would enable all the big clubs to virtually guarantee experienced competitive games for young players, 

In Spain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal and Croatia, the big sides play second teams in the lower divisions. 

This is about giving young players at the big clubs experience of proper tough soccer.

Scotland used to have a Division C where the big sides had reserve teams playing proper sides. 

The priority of this is to give experience to young players, who will mostly be Scottish. So Scotland can have greater depth of players and can have more top players. 

I would love to see Scotland get far in major tournaments. 

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