Saturday, February 6, 2021

Scotland Should Join An Atlantic League Cup Of Soccer

Scotland Should Join An Atlantic League Cup Of Soccer.

As it seems we cannot have European Super Leagues, we should go for an alternative. 

FIFA and UEFA seem to be against European Super Leagues.

But they do not seem to have problem with cross border cups on top of European competition and domestic trophies.

I think Scotland should direct other nation al football organisations to hold an Atlantic League Cup.

Where clubs teams from smaller European football nations join forces to have a cross border cup of their leading sides.

UEFA and FIFA allow Welsh, Irish and English sides to take part in the Scottish Challenge Cup.

They also allowed to Royal League which was a cross border cup involving teams from Norway, Swede and Denmark.  

So UEFA do not seem to have a problem with nations having cross border cups rather than cross border leagues.

So we could get the best of both worlds where we keep our own domestic leagues, domestic cups, European club trophies and on top of that have cross border cups with teams from other countries

We could have teams  

I would support a group stage trophy with at least 4 Scottish sides taking part straight away.

Other countries in Europe entering teams could include, Portugal, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, The Faroes, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Luxembourg, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Cyprus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia, San Marino, Belarus.

Maybe the lower divisions of the bigger football powers of Italy, Spain, England, Germany, and France could enter teams.

I would prefer a group stage trophy. But a cross border cup is what Scottish football should look for. That is on top of domestic league and UEFA club trophies. 

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