Thursday, February 18, 2021

Give Your Tears To The River - Poem.

Here is a poem I wrote called Give Your Tears To The River.


'Give your tears to the river. 

Give your heart to the fire. 

And you will never tire. 

My friend. 

Give your soul to the cloud. 

Give your feet to the road.

This is not a secret code. 

My friend.

Give your brain to the ride. 

Give your fear to the tide. 

Give your love to the good. 

And here's one I told. 

You are my friend. 

Give your passion to the lives. 

Give your dignity to the wives. 

Give your discipline to the hive. 

I am your friend.

And when this story is untold. 

Do not fear the bold. 

This is not a lie I was sold. 

We are your friend. 

Timeless and immemorial. 

And one day when you look for something in the past.

I was that battle scarred burned out, twisted fast.  

We were here for you in love always. 

And we dreamed of you for all the days. '

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