Friday, February 19, 2021

What Is More Important? A Good Time Or Victory? Football Experience.

What Is More Important? A Good Time Or Victory?

Football Experience Or Party Time.

What do you prefer the trip or the result?  

I am referring here to when Scottish teams travel or play at home against Scottish or foreign sides. 

I have met people who say what is more important on an away trip to another country, for a Scottish team is the for the fans having a good time, with their buddies. Having great memories of social interaction, and partying.  

Like a holiday where your team happens to be playing another side.

Some people are more interested in the social interaction than the result. 

I am quite brutal here. I prefer my team to win. Maybe that makes me boring. 

But if you gave me a choice between;

1) Me being late for the game, not talking to anyone, and  my team winning,

2) Me arriving on time, having a great time with buddies and my team losing. 

I think I would always choose option one. I think that is unusual in me. As most people prefer themselves to have a good time and for their team to be the side show while they have a great time with their buddies, having great social interaction and a party time.  

Some Scottish fans of the Tartan Army, or the Scottish club sides, are more interested in travelling to great places like Athens, Barcelona, Madrid, Milan, Warsaw, Dublin, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Rome, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Antwerp, Prague, Belfast, Stockholm, Amsterdam and having a great party there. 

Some fans love going to places and enjoying the trip as if it is a stag party or a partying holiday. 

The Tartan Army often get a reputation for being more interested in the party than the result. 

I can appreciate that mentality. But I am more interested in the result. 

I hope the Scottish clubs can get good results and the fans can have a good time. 

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