Thursday, February 18, 2021

Poem - Mortal and Immortal.

Poem - Mortal and Immortal. A Poem I wrote. 

In this mortal land where flowers die, and land melts. 

All human life is a fatal blow to the enemies of the soul.

Only one thing will survive for all eternity. 

And that is eternally everything.

For we are all the same. 

We are all the one. 

For what made us and what we became cannot be destroyed. 

The universe is eternal. 

In this immortal world, our traces will last forever. 

But where it goes is written in the stars.  

And if fate is written in the stars.

And all the past is written in that which made us. 

Then we call upon the stars to tell us to proclaim the Heavens to open. 

The future is already told. 

And welcome to the story. 

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