Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Best Player in Scottish Football History.

Best Player in Scottish Football History. 

In the men's game. 

It seems to be between Kenny Dalglish, Denis Law, Jimmy Johnstone, Graeme Souness, Billy Bremner, Jim Baxter, Gordon Strachan, Jim Leighton, Gordon McQueen, Billy McNeill, Ally McCoist, Alex McLeish, Joe Jordan, Archie Gemmill, Alan Hansen, John Greig, John White, Willie Miller, Dave Mackay, Lawrie Reilly, Alex Morton, Hughie Gallacher, Robert Hamilton, Ricahrd Gough, Darren Fletcher, Gordon Smith, Charlie Cooke, Alex James, Billy Liddell, and Alex Jackson.

So some great players there, 

Hopefully, Andrew Robertson, Scott McTominay Ryan Fraser, and Ryan Christie and other can be added to that list at the end of their careers. 

I think to be one of the best players, a player needs to either entertaining, successful at club level, successful at international level, and famed for some great games. 

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