Saturday, February 20, 2021

Cross Border Club Cups With Other Countries.

Cross Border Club Cups With Other Countries. -

I think Scottish football needs to look at the some sort of cross border cup with club sides from other countries. 

UEFA seem to be against cross border leagues. But they do not seem to have a serious issue with cross border cups. -

I am talking about Scottish football still participating in the UEFA Champions League, the Europa League and the new Europa Conference League. But to on top of that to create a new competition with club sides from other countries. 

We could try an Atlantic League Cup, or other brand names. 

A group stage trophy, with all Scottish Premier sides, or the top four Scottish Premier sides. This would ensure large amounts of cross border football for the top Scottish sides. 

This way top Scottish sides could get to play top sides every season. So get higher TV revenue. 

I would love to play a cross border club trophy involving other clubs sides from other European nations or sides from North America or Africa.  

The most likely nations would be European nations such as Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bosnia, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Denmark, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland Iceland, Norway, Greece, Romania, Luxembourg, The Faroe Islands, Wales, Belarus, Northern Ireland, Hungary, the Republic of Ireland, Russia, Latvia, Estonia, Portugal, Cyprus, Malta, Moldova, North Macedonia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Albania, and the Ukraine. 

I would love there to an extra European trophy for more Scottish sides. Cross border football is great for teams to battle not just for local honour, but for national honour. It is a way of testing how good Scottish football is. A way of playing great classy teams from other nations. A way of seeing great players from other countries, and other styles of soccer. 

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