Thursday, February 11, 2021

Could Scotland Ever Win A Football World Cup?

 Could Scotland Ever Win A Football World Cup?

I am talking about the male game here. 

I think we have to be a realistic and ambitious. 

So If we qualify we should be happy with that.

But there is no harm in dreaming. And if Croatia, Sweden, and Bulgaria can get to World Cup Semi -Finals in the last 30 years. Plus Croatia can reach the previous World Cup Final. Why can't Scotland? 

We just need some great players, some luck and a good manager.

I think it is possible for a Scotland side to win a World Cup with the right players.

We need to make young Scottish players develop. And as I have said before to help do that allow the big sides to play B teams in the lower divisions. That way young players at the big clubs will be guaranteed experience from a young age. 

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