Saturday, February 13, 2021

What I Want For Scottish Football

What I Want For Scottish Football.

A strong national side, that can qualify for and even win major tournaments. 

Scotland producing great international players. 

Scotland having strong club sides that can compete with the best club sides in the World. 

Scotland having clubs that get big support in terms of crowds and TV viewing figures. 

Scottish football clubs being famous across the planet. 

Scotland producing great football managers. 

Scotland producing players who play for top clubs in many countries. 

Scottish clubs sides doing well in European and Worldwide competitions. 

Great players both Scottish and foreign being attracted to play for Scottish football club sides. 

All the Scottish football clubs surviving and not going out of business. 

Scottish football being regarded as a major player in football. 

Great managers being attracted to manage in Scotland. 

Scottish clubs beating major teams from abroad. 

The Scotland international side getting good crowds. 

Scottish people supporting Scottish soccer sides, 

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