Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Article On List of Alternative Histories In Sport And Politics.

Article On List of Alternative Histories In Sport And Politics.

I have listed here a list of my alternative history lists.

I enjoyed writing a series of alternative histories for sport and politics. The lists are supposed to be interesting, and sometimes amusing or satirical. I like to make jokes in the lists.

This is my sense of humour.

I love sports, particularly Scottish football. I love watching and playing sports. But I also love to read the historic lists of scores, winners, champions, runners up, and attendances, in sports. I am quite analytical in that sense.

For me it is fascinating to see who has been the most successful in a sport, where they are from and why they have been the most successful.

My mind likes to work out why things happen. I also have an imagination where I imagine what could happen, or could have happened.

As a child I enjoyed making up my own teams, and imagining who would win those games. I used to build entire leagues of football. And imaginary teams.

It is a bit like the way some people play computer games, or fantasy football, or other fantasy sports. It is a bit like the way some people love to read fiction and watch movies, like I do.

In my lists that I list, I imagine imaginary sports leagues with imaginary teams winning the trophies. It is fun for me.

I think you can read huge amounts into lists, such as history, jokes, satire, geography, politics, and alternative histories.

It is interesting to read behind the lines at lists, and see who has been the most successful.

Boxing World Champion Alternative History List 
Rugby Union Alternative History
Baseball Alternative History 
Basketball Alternative History 
Cricket Alternative History 
Imaginary English Football League
Ancient Football World Champions
Scottish Imaginary Champions of Football 
Alternative Welsh Soccer Champions
Golf Major Solar System Champions
Alternative USA History Presidents Lists
Alternative History Of The United Kingdom Through A List Of Prime Ministers
Alternative History - UK College Sports Winning List

Thank You For Reading This Post. 
Enjoy.  All the lists are on this blog.
This is a list of alternative history.
The lists are mostly sports lists, but also with a list of Prime Ministers.

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