Thursday, January 9, 2020

Alternative History of World through List of Rugby Union Champions of the World

Alternative History of World through List of Rugby Union Champions of the World
The Rugby Club World Championship.

Alternative History of World through List of Rugby Union Champions of the World.

In this a list of champions of the Earth, each year. You can read the history of the World through this list.
Watch out for the wars.

List of Champions- 1900 – 2020.

This is Rugby Union, not Rugby League.

Year – Team.

1900 Auckland Super Athletes.

1901 Auckland Super Athletes.

1902 Glasgow Scots of Scotland.

1903 Welsh Valley Cymru.

1904 Welsh Valley Cymru.

1905 Wellington Mammals.

1906 Welsh Valley Cymru.

1907 Wellington Celtic Rangers.

1908 Wellington Celtic Rangers.

1909 London English.

1910 London English.

1911 Hamilton Haka.

1912 Hamilton Haka.

1913 Royal English University.

1914 – 18 World War One.

1919 Royal Scottish University.

1920 Royal Welsh University.

1921 Dublin Irish Rainbows.

1922 Belfast Red Boxers.

1923 Belfast Red Boxers.

1924 Shared - Dublin Irish Rainbows, and Hamilton Haka.

1925 Canterbury New Zealanders.

1926 Dublin Irish Rainbows.

1927 Canterbury New Zealanders.

1928 Hamilton New Zealanders.

1929 Australian Desert Oasis.

1930 Australian Desert Oasis.

1931 Belfast Red Boxers.

1932 North Island New Zealanders.

1933 Wellington Winners.

1934 New Zealand South Island Wanderers.

1935 Melbourne Masters.

1936 Perth Comrades.

1937 Auckland Super Athletes.

1938 Auckland Super Athletes.

1939 – 45 World War Two.

1946 Auckland Super Athletes.

1947 Welsh Whippers.

1948 Auckland Super Athletes.

1949 Welsh Whippers.

1950 Cymru Cats.

1951 North Island Dolphins.

1952 North Island D

1953 Cymru Cats.

1954 Cymru Cats.

1955 Cork Kites.

1956 Cork Kites.

1957 Glasgow Celgers.

1958 Soviet Union Dynamos.

1959 Soviet Union Revolutionaries.

1960 Glasgow Celgers.

1961 Manchester Ancient and Proud.

1962 The Kestrels of New York.

1963 – 65 World War Three.

1966 The Whales of Los Angeles.

1967 Samoa Saints.

1968 Fiji Blasters.

1969 Paris French Giants.

1970 Tonga Rebels.

1971 World War Four.
1972 Glamorgan Welsh.

1973 Glamorgan Welsh

1974 Glamorgan Welsh

1975 Glamorgan Welsh

1976 South Wales Heavies.

1977 South Wales Heavies.

1978 Paris French Giants.

1979 Auckland Civil Destroyers.

1980 Auckland Civil Destroyers.

1981 Hong Kong Elites.

1982 Hong Kong Elites.

1983 The Atomic War of Earth.
1984 Las Vegas Missiles.

1985 Las Vegas Missiles.

1985 Scottish Border Bulls.

1986 Scottish Border Bulls.

1987 Scottish Border Bulls.

1988 Royal English University.

1989 Southern French Dolphins.

1990 Scottish Border Terriers.

1991 Republican France.

1992 Republican France.

1993 Tokyo Sailors.

1994 French Parisians.

1995 Cape Town Speedsters.

1996 New Zealand Haka Hitters.

1997 The Second Atomic War.

1998 Sporting Bears Club of Lyon.

1999 Sporting Bears Club of Lyon.

2000 Sporting Bears Club of Lyon.

2001 Sydney Surfing Sun Bathers.

2002 Sydney Surfing Sun Bathers.

2003 Sydney Surfing Sun Bathers.

2004 Sydney Surfing Sun Bathers.

2005 – 2007 The Nuclear Winter.  

2008 Transvaal Titan Heroes.

2009 Transvaal Titan Heroes.

2010 Auckland Super Athletes.

2011 Rome Super Coliseums.

2012 Rome Super Coliseum Gladiators.

2013 Auckland Super Athletes.

2014 Auckland Super Athletes.

2015 Auckland Super Athletes.

2016 London Spartan Kites.

2017 Bristol English.

2018 Buenos Aires Presidents.

2019 Cape Town Unite.

2020 South African Lakers.

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