Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Scottish clubs should sign Usain Bolt and Andy Murray -

I know this idea sounds crazy. But everyone who follows football and athletics, knows that Usain Bolt loves football. He is one of the greatest sports people of the last fifty years. So why not a small Scottish club make a deal with him and sign him for a limited period of time? So we can say the greatest 100 metre runner of all time played in the Scottish soccer league.
Also Andy Murray has good technique as a footballer. So why not a small Scottish club sign up Andy Murray to play a few games, at the end of the season. He is the greatest Scottish sport star of the last fifty years and it would be an honour for him to play for any Scottish club and would probably bring in the fans. I know he has injury issues, but I doubt that would stop him playing the last 10 minutes of a game.

It would be cool if some top non soccer sports stars played Scottish football at a decent level.

Everyone who plays sports tends to have played football to a decent level. So this is not like a weight lifter turning into a long jumper. Almost every sports star has tried football. I am sure there are transferable skills from other sports into football.
Bolt was also a good cricket player. Murray had relatives who played football to a high level.

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