Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Play-off for Scottish League to decide the Champions

Should the Scottish soccer league hold a play-off system to decide who the Scottish football champions are at the end of each season?
It could be run with the top four clubs at the end of each season playing single leg semi final, then a final at Hampden or Murrayfield to decide who the champions are.

In rugby union, and rugby league there are leagues that have a play-off system where the top teams play a play off to decide who the champions are rather than the normal full league decide in who the champs are.

It would be controversial and could mean the champions are not the best team.
But the advantage is;
TV and stadium attendances would be massive in my view.
You could get millions over the planet watching the final if it is Glasgow Celtic v Glasgow Rangers.

Scotland's European placements could be decided by this play off system. With the champions of the play off being the Scottish number one representative in the Champions League.

The main disadvantage is that the league might not put it's best team forward into the Champions League it might be the team who finished fourth the year before. Which could harm Scotland's chances of teams doing well in Europe.

Also the play-offs could be organised in many different ways. Such as at the end of the season, the fourth placed team playing the third placed team, then the winner of that playing the league runner-up and the winner of that playing the team who finished top of the league.

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