Friday, January 17, 2020

British NFL Side - Gridiron - American Football -

If there is going to be a British NFL side, it should play games all over the United Kingdom. Games should be played in Scotland, Wales and England. Games should be played in London, Glasgow, Cardiff, Manchester, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Birmingham, and Newcastle. Plus games in Ireland, in Dublin. Anywhere where there are big enough stadiums. Although a part of me does not want a NFL side in Britain. Because of the global warming issue. In flying players, staff, fans, cheerleaders and officials across the Atlantic Ocean for a sports game. I love American Football. One of Scotland's greatest achievement, is the Scottish Claymores winning the World Bowl in 1996. But I recognise global warming is a bigger issue for us to worry about. So should we really have teams in baseball, soccer, rugby, basketball, and gridiron travelling across the Atlantic Ocean for what is just a sports game?
We should wait until we have global warming friendly transport, that does not worsen global warming.

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