Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Baseball Universe Champions 1890 - 2020

Alternative History Baseball Universe Champions.
 Baseball Universe Champions 1890 - 2020

In this alternative history of baseball, and the Planet Earth. The major trophy in club baseball across the planet is the Baseball Universe Championship. In this Earth held a club championship for the greatest team in the universe. But in this alternate dimension the universe learns of Earth. And wars with Earth begin, affecting who wins the trophy

1890 New York Unionists

1891 New York Scottish Blue Sox.

1892 New York Welsh Red Sox

1893 New York Scottish Blue Sox.

1894 Chicago Green Irish.

1895 Chicago Green Irish.

1896 Boston Red and White Sox.

1897 Washington Rainbows.

1898 St Louis Volcanoes.

1899 St Louis Volcanoes.

1900 Detroit Steam Rockets.

1901 Detroit Steam Rockets.

1902 Chicago Green Irish.

1903 New York English Expats.

1904 Cincinnati Red Hot Smashers.

1905 Pittsburgh Hot Dog Happys

1906 The New York City Home Runners.

1907 New York Scottish Blue Sox.

1908 Cincinnati Red Hot Smashers.

1909 Cincinnati Red Hot Smashers.

1910 St Louis Volcanoes.

1911 Cincinnati Red Hot Smashers.

1912 Philadelphia Deer.

1913 St Louis Volcanoes.

1914 St Louis Volcanoes.

1914– 18 World War One

1919 Detroit Cloud Busters.

1920 Kansas City Kite Flyers.

1921 Detroit Cloud Busters.

1922 Kansas City Kite Flyers.

1923 Kansas City Kite Flyers.

1924 Detroit Cloud Busters.

1925 Detroit Cloud Busters.

1926 St Louis Volcanoes.

1927 New Jersey Bull Runners.

1928 New Jersey Bull Runners.

1929 Chicago Puppies.

1930 Chicago Kittens.

1931 Chicago Vixens.

1932 Real Montreal.

1933 Dallas Royals.

1934 Dallas Republic.

1935 Dallas Democrat.

1936 Mexico City Mexicans.

1937 Havana Heroes of Baseball.

1938 Havana Heroes of Baseball.

1939 – 45 World War Two

1946 Detroit Cloud Busters.

1947 Barbados Moon Hitters.

1948 Detroit Cloud Busters.

1949 New York Mice.

1950 Los Angeles Hollywood Hitters.

1951 Los Angeles Hollywood Hitters.

1952 Los Angeles Hollywood Hitters.

1953 – 55 Martian Invasion of Earth.

1956 Olympus Mons Climbers.  

1957 Olympus Mons Climbers.  

1958 Earth Independence War.

1959 Athens City Gods.

1960 Rome American Italians

1961 World War Three.

1962 Barcelona Americans.

1963 Madrid Home Runs.

1964 Hong Kong Iron Bandits.

1965 Hong Kong Iron Bandits.

1966 Barcelona Americans.

1967 Dallas Sky Thumpers.

1968 British Royalty Heroes.

1969 British Royalty Heroes.

1970 Earth – Neptune War.

1971 Neptune Sailors.

1972 Neptune Sailors.

1973 Rio De Janeiro Sky Busters.

1974 Hong Kong Iron Bandits.

1975 – 77 Andromeda - Milky Way War

1978 Andromeda Galaxy Black Sox.

1979 Andromeda Galaxy Black Sox.

1980 Andromeda Galaxy Black Sox.

1981 Andromeda Galaxy Black Sox.

1982 Andromeda Galaxy Black Sox.

1983 Time Paradox War

1981 Florida Iron Backs.

1982 Andromeda Galaxy Black Sox.

1983 Alpha Centauri Saints.

1984 Alpha Centauri Saints.

1985 Barnard’s Star Dolphins.

1986 Sirius Smashers.

1987 Sirius Smashers.

1988 Cygni Swans.

1989 Alpha Centauri Saints.

1990 Cygni Swans.

1991 Cygni Swans.

1992 Cygni Swans.

1993 Cygni Swans.

1994 Alpha Centauri Saints.

1995 Cygni Swans.

1996 Groombridge Stars Z

1997 Andromeda Galaxy Black Sox.

1998 Groombridge Stars Z

1999 Hong Kong Iron Bandits.

2000 Venus Volcanoes.

2001 The Venus Earth War.

2002 Royal Venus Volcanoes.

2003 The Second Earth Independence War.

2004 Olympus Mons Climbers.  
2005 Olympus Mons Climbers.  

2006 Olympus Mons Climbers.  

2007 Venus Volcanoes.

2008  Cygni Swans.

2009 Cygni Swans.

2010 Kapteyn Astronauts.

2011 Kapteyn Astronauts.

2012 Kapteyn Astronauts.

2013 Cygni Swans.

2014 Olympus Mons Climbers.  

2015 Olympus Mons Climbers.  

2016 Venus Volcanoes.

2017 Venus Volcanoes.

2018 Cygni Swans.

2019 Cygni Swans.

2020 Cygni Swans.

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