Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Old Firm should not join the English Football League

I do not think Glasgow Celtic or Glasgow Rangers should join the English Premier League or English Football League, as it would destroy Scottish football as a major league.
TV revenue would collapse. Sponsorship and attendances would collapse for all Scottish League clubs.
At present we punch above our weight in having two massive clubs in the Scottish League. We regularly see our clubs get to the Champions League or Europa League Group stages. We can realistically hope for the Scottish sides to win the Europa League, and get to the Champions League Group stages.
If the Old Firm left the Scottish League then the top league would go part time. The top league would not be able to keep any internationals good enough to play for Scotland, Wales, or either of the two Irelands.

The league would see Aberdeen Hearts and Hibs collapse in terms of support from 5 five attendances to four figure attendances.
The champions of Scotland would not longer be the best team in Scotland.
With all respect to the Welsh and Irish Leagues, we would drop to their standard. We would go from competing to be one of the best ten leagues in Europe. to struggling to avoid being on of the worst ten leagues.

Some would say the league would get more competitive. but look at the Welsh League where TNS win the league every season. It just makes it cheaper to dominate the league.
You could end up with some part time team winning the Scottish leagues 5 years in a row.

Also some would argue that Hearts, Hibs, Dundee United and Aberdeen could join the English League too. But that would just further depress the chances of Scotland producing strong teams from their own leagues who could do anything in Europe. Plus the other 4 big clubs in Scotland would struggle in the English set up to compete in the tier 2.

The main reasons I am against the Old Firm joining the English league are;
1) The Scottish League would collapse.
2) It would make people think Scotland is part of England, when it is not.
3) It would lower the status of the league to that of a non league system.
4) All the trophies Celtic and Rangers won in their history in Scotland would be labelled as that of the status of a non league trophy. So they would be starting with no major honour history.
5) Celtic and Rangers might go decades without qualifying for Europe, or winning tier 1 trophies.
6) Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee United might leave the Scottish League, and do nothing in an English League.
7) The Scottish League would drop to be one of the worst 10 leagues in Europe.

The alternative is to keep our domestic league and keep our big teams, but to have cross border cups with the English at club level on top of domestic and European football competitions.

Thanks for reading.

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