Tuesday, January 14, 2020

World's Longest Book

It is very difficult to write the World's longest book. 
One source suggests Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus by Madeleine de Scudéry is the longest in terms of page numbers. At nearly 2 million words, it would be a long read. 
Another source suggests; 
Devta the serialized fantasy thriller tale written in Urdu by the writer Mohiuddin Nawab, is a massive 11 million words.

I wonder what it would be like to read this.
I struggle to read books over 120 pages.  
I also write short stories. But what if someone went the reverse of this target? 
Here is an ambition. 
What about a book that you take your entire life to read?
You read no other books, just this book. The book is so long, 
Or even more so, that it takes generations of your family to read the book. A book so long to read, that it would take 10 lifetimes. 
Or a book written by a generation of writers. A book taking 200 years to write and read. 
At the end the family sends a review to the media sources.

One family agree to take 10 generations to write the book every day hundreds of millions of words long. 
Then another family agree to spend generations reading the book.  

Imagine if you did not like the book, and still had to spend your entire life reading the book?
Or if they made a short movie series of it, as you reads the book?

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