Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Champions of the Basketball Solar System 1932 - 2020

Alternative History Basketball Club Champions.

Champions of the Basketball Solar System.
1932 - 2020 Champions. 

As we all know there are many basketball championships across the planet Earth. In the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America. But in my system. The world has a Solar System championship starting in the year 1932. From then on teams across the world, and Solar System compete in this trophy.

1932 Massachusetts Mammoth Jumpers.
1933 Massachusetts Mammoth Jumpers.

1934 Massachusetts Mammoth Jumpers.

1935 New York State United.

1936 Montreal Wizard Magicians.

1937 Moscow Bison.

1938 Scotland Welsh.

1939 – 45 World War Two.

1946 San Francisco Freedom Fighters.

1947 Houston Geysers.

1948 Florida Heroic Heroes.

1949 Rio De Janeiro Redentor.

1950 Rio De Janeiro Redentor.

1951 World War Three.

1952 Real Barcelona.

1953 Rio De Janeiro Redentor.

1954 Madrid Baskets.

1955 Novia Scotia Scots.

1956 Real Barcelona.

1957 Latvian Baltic Lakers.

1958 Warsaw Whiskers.

1959 Latvian Baltic Lakers.

1960 Latvian Baltic Lakers.

1961 The Canadian Musketeers.

1962 Paris City Towers.

1963 Rome Italian Kings.

1964 Rome Italian Kings.

1965 Australian United.

1966 -68 Invasion From The Planet Mars.

1969 Mars Base Giants.
1970 Zurich Crickets.

1971 Zurich Crickets.

1972 Hong Kong Wild.

1973 Nigerian Lagos Super Jumpers.

1974 Lithuanian Saints.

1975 Earth – Jupiter War.

1976 Lithuanian Saints.

1977 Lithuanian Saints.

1978 Hong Kong Wild.

1979 Nigerian Lagos Super Jumpers.

1980 The Good Guys of Seattle.

1981 The Good Guys of Seattle.

1982 Pittsburgh City Nice Guys.

1983 The Good Guys of Seattle.

1984 Pittsburgh City Nice Guys.

1985 San Antonio Devils.

1986 San Antonio Devils.
1987 Championship withheld due to match fixing.

1988 Los Angeles Celts and Angles.

1989 Los Angeles Celts and Angles.

1990 Los Angeles Celts and Angles.

1991 New York Steel Rockets.

1992 New York Steel Rockets.

1993 Athens Greeks.

1994 Athens Greeks.

1995 Athens Greeks.

1996 Athens Greeks.

1997 Chicago Fighting Celts.

1998 Chicago Fighting Celts.

1999 Dallas American Heroes.

2000 Pittsburgh City Nice Guys.

2001 Yugoslav Yuppies.

2002 Yugoslav Yuppies.

2003 Las Vegas Risk Takers.

2004 Tel Aviv Elephants.

2005 Tehran Rangers.
2006 Las Vegas Risk Takers.

2007 -08 Andromeda War.

2009 Las Vegas Risk Takers.

2010 Phobos Asteroids.

2011 Olympus Mons Volcanoes.

2012 Olympus Mons Volcanoes.

2013 Olympus Mons Volcanoes.

2014 Olympus Mons Volcanoes.

2015 New York Steel Rockets.

2016 Washington Heads of State

2017 Washington Heads of State

2018 Olympus Mons Volcanoes.

2019 Delhi Martians.

2020 Sao Paulo Rainforests.

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