Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I do not support 100% Revenue Sharing in the Scottish Football League

I do not support 100% Revenue Sharing, between clubs in the Scottish Football League.

Some people argue all clubs in the Scottish Premier, should join their budgets together and share the resources, equally.

The theory is that then the clubs would be equal and the league would be really competitive, so would attract higher TV viewing figures and attendances.
But I disagree with this logic.
If we shared resources how would Celtic and Rangers be able to afford to build 50,000 and 60,000 capacity stadiums, on far smaller budgets. Then there would be tens of thousands of people disenfranchised from going to watch their fave football clubs.

Also the cleverer of the small countries realise that the only way they can compete to any level in European football, is by having some elite sides that can compete at a high level against sides from the bigger nations.
Having small clubs all across the Scottish Premier who all have the resources of teams with 15,000 capacity grounds,  Would just result in a league that cannot go far in European football.
It is like in rugby where the Scottish rugby set up has two elite teams in the elite rugby leagues, because it is the only way Scotland can have strong club sides, by concentrating resources on elite sides.

Look at the way that the smaller countries that have successful leagues, are  the leagues that have elite teams with resources concentrated to enable the representatives in Europe are the teams with the best players.
Also if we decreased the size of Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers to smaller clubs they would not be able to attract top international players to the league. So the standard of football in the Scottish Premier would decrease.

Other countries and Sports have resources sharing.
Major leagues in American (USA, and Canada) sports have resource sharing. But it is a lot easier for a massive country with tonnes of giant cities to share resources between giant clubs. In the case of Scotland it would mean resources being shared between massive clubs, and clubs that only just breaking even as professional sides.
Some would argue that the likes of Ross County, and St Johnstone would grow. But what is the point in that if they are still not big enough to make a serious impression on European football.

My view is that we should concentrate resources with some elite clubs.
But the way to make this fairer is to create a system where all the clubs in the Scottish League can develop to become massive sides. Maybe have some sort of cross border trophy for the top 4 sides in Scotland. Every club in Scotland has the potential to reach top four.. So if we had a cross border cup with other countries, with group stages guaranteed for all the top four sides, then every club in Scotland could develop to be an elite side generating big finances to enable them to do well in Europe.
I am open to some leagues that are not working at potential to experiment with revenue sharing. But the Scottish Premier does not need to do this as at present we punch above our weight. So why wreck that system?

How about the Welsh, Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland Leagues experiment with revenue sharing, to see if having a competitive league works? I do not think it would. But it would be worth a shot for the Welsh and Irish to experiment with a new system. But Scotland does not need to do this. We already have a successful football model.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed my post.

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