Tuesday, January 14, 2020

World's Longest Movie.

I wrote a post on the World's longest book. What about the World's longest movie?

Sources I have seen have put forward;

Logistics or Logistics Art Project is a 21st century experimental art film by Erika Magnusson and Daniel Andersson. At 35 days and seventeen hours, it has been the longest film ever made.

So it would take months to watch the film, if you want to do other stuff?

Stora Enso Building, Helsinki is a 21 st century film by a Danish artist group called Superflex. The film lasts 10 days. Slightly easier to watch.

Amra Ekta Cinema Banabo is a Bangladeshi Bengali language fiction film by Ashraf Shishir. It lasts 21 hours.

But how about a artist group spend decades or centuries making a film continually? Once again this movie takes lifetimes to watch. So generations of a family, or artist group, or cult agree to spend their lifetimes making the film. While another family, artist grouo or cult, agree to spend their lifetimes watching the movie.

Some people would say some long lasting soap operas could be like this. Where generations of the same family continue to watch the same soap opera, like Neigbours, Corronation Street, Eastenders, Home and Way, and talk about it for decades or centuries after. A glue that keeps the same family connected.

Perhaps the film could last 200 years, and take hundreds of years to watch.
I suppose this is like the Spanish film, Open Your Yes, remade as Vanilla Sky. Where a man dreams for over 100 years,

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