Friday, February 7, 2020

More Teams The Better, In Scottish Football.

More Teams The Better, In Scottish Football.
I think we need as many massive clubs, professional clubs , part time, and amateur clubs as we possibly can in Scottish football.
Some critics claim that we should cut the number of clubs in Scotland. I disagree,

There argument is that if we have less clubs then we can concentrate resources in the elite clubs.
Well I support us having some super elite clubs who can compete with the best clubs in Europe and the rest of the World. But we also need to have some smaller level clubs.
The more teams we have, the more chances there are for Scottish football players to develop and learn about how to play competitive soccer at their level.

Players can find their level, early in their career and develop and move up through the divisions as they improve.
So a player can get early competitive football at say a Lowland League or Highland League Side. Or they can develop at a Scottish second tier side, or even a top tier side. If they are prodigies then they could start at one of the big clubs like Aberdeen, Celtic, Rangers, Hearts, Hibs or Dundee or Dundee United.
If you cut the number of opportunities for Scottish players to develop then that decreases the chances of developing top Scottish players.

So some argue we should merge the Dundee sides. But if we merged them then instead of having 22 first team opportunities each week, then we would only have 11 starting places each week.

The more professional opportunities each week we have the more chance there is of developing top[ players for Scottish football.
If you look at the history of Scottish football, many players have started off way down the football league system. I include loan player opportunities loaned to junior or non league sides. For instance Kenny Dalglish went on loan to Cumbernauld United early in his career.
Top Scottish keeper Jim Leighton went on loan to Deveronvale in his early days.
Willie Miller, the Aberdeen legend, went on loan early in his career to Peterhead.
Kenny Miller went on loan early in his career to Stenhousemuir.

I also think the elite Scottish clubs, such as Aberdeen, Glasgow Celtic, Glasgow Rangers, Hearts, Hibs, Dundee, Dundee United, and Motherwell, should have colt teams playing in the lower divisions, to ensure young Scottish players can get early competitive football at a young age.
I say we should have has many pro and part time teams as we can manage.  The more clubs we have the more players we have to develop. And who can tell which players ate going to develop. Look even Kenny Dalglish started playing competitively for Cumbernauld United.

The argument some use is that we have 42 clubs in the national leagues, and the English only have 92 clubs in their national leagues, despite having 10 times the population. But what people forget is that there is a entire set of non league divisions below their 92 English Premier and English Football League sides.
There is a massive national division below the English Football League. Plus Northern and Southern Leagues which cover regions almost as big a region as the national Scottish Leagues cover.

So the more clubs the better, and more chances there are for top players to develop in those clubs.

I have no problem with regionalising the lower divisions to cut down on travel, but we need to ensure the top players develop against top sides.

I also think if we had colt teams playing in the lower divisions, we could give foreign players chances in Scotland too. As it would be still an honour for Scottish Football to develop players for foreign nations also.

I think Scotland should try to develop top Scottish, and foreign players in the Scottish League.

Thanks For Reading The Post. ----

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