Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Regionalization Of Scottish Football Cups, And Divisions.

Regionalization Of Scottish Football Cups, And Divisions.

I think it would be a good idea to regionalize further the divisions in Scottish football. This would cut down on travel, leaving players more time to train and improve technique.

I know you also need to ensure the best players can play each other, so they can improve standards.

It is important in sports in ensuring elite clubs and players can play the best players and clubs, so they can improve and test themselves against top sides, and players.

But in the lower leagues it might be a good idea to regionalize, so to cut down on travel costs, and to improve the amount of time players have to train and develop their football technique.

The less time travelling, means more time training and developing.

My idea is that the Scottish Cup, and Scottish League Cup should be regionalized up to the Quarter Final, with perhaps North, Central, and South regions.

League Re-organization

The Scottish tiers 3 and tier 4, could be regionalized to North and South. So the 20 teams in these divisions would be split into North and South.

The Championship would still be a national division, with 10 teams.

The bottom two teams in the championship could be relegated, each season.

To decide who gets promoted, the champions of the North and South divisions would be promoted, automatically.  

There could be a play off system to make promotion and relegation more complicated, but more nerve racking. But that is too complicated for me to write about.

Cutting down on travel would help cut logistics costs, but damage the elite quality of the higher divisions.

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