Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Alternative History UK University and College Titanium Bowl For Sports.

The Alternative History Of UK University And College Titanium Bowl For Sports.
The United Kingdom, which includes Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland, and used to include the entire island of Ireland, but the Republic Of Ireland got their independence around 100 years ago.

In the USA, they have college sports, which gets huge attendances And finances from the USA public. In the UK we do not take college sports that seriously. As we tend to feel that university should be for the most educated people, And that sports should be the people best at sports.

College sports seems to be for the most educated people who are also good at sports. Which is neither one thing or the other. But in any case, I have decided to do an alternative list Of champions Of the imaginary Alternative UK College Bowl for Sports. Where the universities, colleges, academies and institutes compete to be the most successful sporting academic achiever.

1889 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1890 Oxford Hibernian University.

1891 Cambridge Welsh College University.

1892 Cambridge Bishop Training College.

1893 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1894 Royal Oxford Dentist College.

1895 Royal Oxford Dentist College.

1896 Mathematics University Leith.

1897 Oxbridge Technical College.   

1898 Oxbridge Technical College.  

1899 The Royal Manchester Arts And Science University.

1900 The Royal Manchester Arts And Science University.

1901 Miners College Of Bangor, North Wales.

1902 Mathematics University Leith.

1903 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1904 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1905 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1906 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1907 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1908 Mathematics University Leith.

1909 Liverpool Music And History University.

1910 Durham College Of Northern England.

1911 Republic Academy Of Cornwall.

1912 Republic Academy Of Cornwall.

1913 The Royal Dublin University Of Literature.  

1914 The Royal Dublin University Of Literature.  

1915 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1916 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1917 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1918 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1919 General Field Marshall Academy Of Army Training.

1920 General Field Marshall Academy Of Army Training.

1921 General Field Marshall Academy Of Army Training.

1922 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1923 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1924 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1925 The King’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1926 The King’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1927 The King’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1928 The King’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1929 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1930 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1931 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1932 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1933 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1934 Viktoria College Of Toy Making.

1935 Viktoria College Of Toy Making.

1936 Viktoria College Of Toy Making.

1937 West Midlands University Of Natural Sciences.  

1938  General Field Marshall Academy Of Army Training.

1939 – 45 Second World War.

1946 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1947 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1948 The King’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1949 The College Of History And Archaeology Of Oxbridge.

1950 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1951 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1952 Inverness Citadel College Of Sports.

1953 The London College Of Thames Fishing.

1954 The Royal Newcastle College Of Plumbing And Carpentry.

1955 The Royal Newcastle College Of Plumbing And Carpentry.
1956 The Royal Newcastle College Of Plumbing And Carpentry.

1957 The Royal Newcastle College Of Plumbing And Carpentry.

1958 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1959 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1960 Liverpool Music And History University.

1961 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1962 Manchester Computing And History Academy And University.

1963 Liverpool Music And History University.

1964 Liverpool Music And History University.

 1965 Liverpool Music And History University.

1966 London Grande Ecoles.

1967 London Grande Ecoles.

1968 London Grande Ecoles.

1969 Ecole Nationale Bristol.

1970 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1971 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1972 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1973 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1974 Welsh Academy Of Rugby And Climbing.

1975 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1976 The Glaswegian Institute Of Science And Technology.

1977 The Glaswegian Institute Of Science And Technology.

1978 The Glaswegian Institute Of Science And Technology.

1979 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1980 Coventry Automobile Makers University.

1981 Newport Gwent Nursing And History University.

1982 Welsh Academy Of Rugby And Hiking.

1983 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1984 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1985 Universidad London Academy.

1986 Applied Science, Nursing And Technology Academy of Aberdeen.

1987 Universidad London Academy.

1988 Universidad London Academy.

1989 London Grande Ecoles.

1990 London Grande Ecoles.

1991 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1992 Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru Cyfrifiaduro.

1993 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1994 Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru Cyfrifiaduro.

1995 Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru Cyfrifiaduro.
1996 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1997 Coventry Airforce Royal College Of Flight.

1998 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1999 Coventry Airforce Royal College Of Flight.

2000 Coventry Airforce Royal College Of Flight.

2001 Royal Gwent Newport University.

2002 Royal Gwent Newport University.

2002 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

2003 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

2004 Royal Welsh Institute Of Climbing And Potholing.

2005 Old Oxbridge Religious Institute and Academy.  

2006 Socialist University Of North West England.  

2007 Royal Welsh Institute Of Climbing And Potholing.

2008 Old Oxbridge Religious Institute and Academy.  

2009 Old Oxbridge Religious Institute and Academy.  

2010 Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru Cyfrifiaduro.

2011 Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru Cyfrifiaduro.

2012 London Grande Ecoles.

2013 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

2014 English Academy of Snooker and Darts.

2015 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

2016 English Academy of Snooker and Darts.

2017 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

2018 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

2019 Royal Welsh Institute Of Climbing And Potholing.

2020  Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

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