Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What I want for Scottish Football!

I support all Scottish football teams in Europe.
I support the national team being strong, and winning games, and qualifying for major tournaments.
I support us having strong Scottish players.
I support there being great players coming to Scotland, from other countries too.
I want people abroad to know about Scottish Football.  
I support every single Scottish team in Europe. I want them to all do as well as possible in European football, even including Glasgow Celtic, and Glasgow Rangers. I want Scottish football to be as strong as possible.
We need to create a system which allows us to have strong teams, a strong league, as well as a strong national side.
My view to achieve this would be to allow the big sides like Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee United to play colt teams in the lower leagues. That way it would guarantee young Scottish players would get competitive football experience early on.
Plus we need to have cross border cups on top of European, and domestic football with other countries.
This way we would have a even stronger league. We already play above our weight, so we can play even better if we use strategies which allow all our clubs to be strong.

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