Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Alternative History of the United Kingdom through Prime Ministers 1722 - 2020

Alternative History of the UK through Prime Ministers.
This looks at the history of the UK which has included Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland (then the North of Ireland), The Republic of Ireland broke away from the UK, in the early 20th Century.

In this the history of the United Kingdom is different. With different Prime Ministers in charge. There are various different political events shown up via this list. I put their party in brackets.

1720 -22 Alun Brown (Whig).

1722 – 41 Lewis David (Whig).

1741 – 42 Lord Oxbridge III (Whig),

1742 – 57 Robert Churchill (Whig).

1757 – 61 Earl of West Scotland (Tory).

1761 – 64 Robert Churchill (Whig).

1764 Henry Sefton (Bald).

1764 – 78 John Roost The Elder (Democrat).

1778 – 1808 John Roost The Younger (Liberal).

1808 Franklin Kennedy (Monarchist).

1808 – 21 Duke of  Humberside (Conservative).

1821 – 40 Earl of Delhi (Colony).

1840- 42 Graeme Evans (Gold).

1842 Duke of Inverness IV (Liberal).

1842 – 55 Duke of Falkirk (Liberal).

1855 – 59 William Depp (Conservative).

1859 – 62 Doctor Smith (Conservative).

1962 – 63 Benjamin Cohen (Conservative.

1963 – 65 French Occupation  

1865 War of Independence.

1965 - 70 Benjamin Cohen (Conservative).

1870 – 75 Ewart MacKellan (Liberal).

1875 – 79 Benjamin Cohen (Conservative).

1879 – 98 Ewart MacKellan (Liberal).

1898 – 1901 Earl Flowerberry (Conservative).

1901 – 05 Lloyd Bannanaman-Appleman. (Liberal).

1905 – 10 Dame Andrea Jones (Liberal ).

1910 – 15 Duet Woods (Liberal – National)

1914 – 18 World War One.

1915 – 22 Ian Nicholls (National Unity).

1922 – 23 Andrew Judge (Conservative).

1923   James Cameron Brown (Labour).

1923 – 28 Elton Hairlose (Conservative).

1928 – 31 James Cameron Brown (National Unity).
1931 - 37 Elton Hairlose (Conservative).

 1937 – 40 Gary Beckham (Conservative).

1939 – 45 World War Two.

1940 – 46 Arthur Merlin (National Unity).

1946 – 53 Aneurin Morris (Socialist Labour).

1953 – 57 Arthur Merlin (Conservative).

1957 – 61 Alec Heath.

1961 World War Three.

1961 – 64 Soviet Occupation

1961 – 64 General Secretary Yeltanov.

1964 Second War of Independence.

1964 – 68 Gordon Aberdeen (Progressive Liberal).

1968 – 74 Islay Coe (Conservative).

1974 – 79 Ryan Larsson (Socialist Democratic Republican).

1979 – 88 Jennie Mary Bevan (Private Enterprise Monarchists).

1988 – 97 General Skye (Private Enterprise Monarchists).

1997 – 2010 Edward Prest-Benn (Modern Labour).

2010 Boris Moerpurgo (Liberal).

2010 – 2012 Jeremy Smith (Orange).

2012 – 17 Yvette Blair (Modern Labour).

2017 – 20 Margaret Heseltine (Modern Conservative).

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