Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Alternative History - Prime Ministers of the United States Of America. 1788 - 2020.

Alternative History - Prime Ministers of the United States Of America. 1788 - 2020.

In this list the United States of America is run by a Prime Minister, rather than a President

Since 1788. As you can see the history of the USA is quite different to what it was in our history, although some of the events are the same. There have been female leader of the USA. You can work out the history by studying major historical events during the reigns of power.

Years in Power – Name of Prime Minister.

1788- 1800 George Adams-Jefferson (Democratic – Republican).

1800 – 02 John Washandcity (Federalist).

1802 – 19 Quincy Marple Columbo (Whig).

1819 – 24 James Miller III (Democratic).

1824 – 27 John Washandcity Junior (Whig).

1827 – 31 Andrew Higgins (Democratic).

1831 George Smith (Democratic).

1831 -33 Zachary Jackson (Liberal).

1833 – 37 George Smith (Democratic).

1837 – 45 Hans Snelders (Liberal Democratic Republican).

1845 – 46 Quentin Paul (Democratic).

1846 – 51 Abraham Evans (Conservative)

1851 - 57 Franklin Smith (Democratic).

1857 – 71 Lewis Lynton. (Republican).

1861 – 65 Civil War And The Emancipation Of The Slaves.

1971 - 81 Donald McPkuto (Democrat).

1881 – 1889 Lewis Lynton The Second (Republican)

1889 – 1901 Theo Van Der Ark (Democrat).

1901 – 05 Dwight Rosenberg (Republican).

1905 – 22 Theo Van Der Ark (Democrat).

1914 – 1918 World War One
1922 – 23 Mars Brown (Republican)

1923 – 28 William George-Brown (Republican).

1928 – 33 Bale Blair (Republican.

1928 Wall Street Crash.

1933 – 51 Jupiter Blast (Democrat).

1939 – 45 World War Two

1951 – 55 General Nelson White (Republican).

1955 - 58 Communist Takeover.

1958 – 65 General Secretary Huistra (Communist).

1964- 65 War Of Independence.

1965 General Anthony Rory (National Unity Coalition).

1965 – 71 Pryce Hopkins (Republican).

1971 – 77 Ronald Bush-Blackwell (Republican).

1975 Conquest of Soviet Union, by the USA.  

1977- 82 Bill Gore (Democrat).

1982 – 94 Tara Bush-Blackwell (Republican).

1994 – 2001 Katie Brady (Republican).

2001 – 02 Delta Brady (Republican).

2002 – 12 George Schooch (Democrat).

2012 Hilary Einstein (Democrat).

2012 – 17 Amber Alex Bruce (Republican).  

2017 – 2020 Benson Jenna (Democrat)

What will the future of this alternative United States of America hold. Who knows?

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