Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Calling Celtic and Rangers, as Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers

Calling Celtic and Rangers, as Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers.
I love Scottish football. As I have said before. I want all Scottish clubs to do well in Europe. I want the international teams to do well too.
But where I am unpopular with Scottish football fans, is that I do not mind calling Celtic, as Glasgow Celtic. And I do not mind calling Rangers, as Glasgow Rangers.
My view is that there are loads of teams call Celtic or Rangers, in football. And even more so there are loads of Celtics and Rangers in other sports.

For Celtic we have loads of teams called Celtic such as Belfast Celtic, Cwmbran Celtic, Lurgan Celtic, Bloemfontein Celtic. Surely it is respectful to all these clubs to point out Celtic in Scotland are Glasgow Celtic. Maybe even call them Scottish Celtic, if you have a problem calling them Glasgow Celtic. In basketball there is the Boston Celtics. In shinty there is Oban Celtic.
Plus Celtic is seen as a name for all the Celtic nations such as Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Cornwall.
Plus Rangers is an even more popular name. There is a Hong Kong Rangers. There is a FC Rangers in Andorra. There is a Rangers in Nigeria.
In the Scottish leagues alone there is Berwick Rangers, Cove Rangers, and Brora Rangers FC. In England there is Queen's Park Rangers, and Concord Rangers, as well as a host of other teams called Rangers.
There is even a Rangers in New Zealand.
Plus in other sports, there tonnes of teams called Rangers.
Glasgow Rangers were originally named after an English rugby side.

There are tonnes of army and law enforcement agencies across the world called Rangers or Ranger, such as the Texas Ranger Division, or the California Rangers. They even have in Ireland a army wing called the Army Ranger Wing.

There is even a massive entertainment franchise called Power Rangers, which has had movies, TV series, and toys.

In Sports they also have the Texas Rangers in baseball, and the New York Rangers in Ice Hockey.  Broughton Rangers in rugby league.
There was a boat in the British Navy called HMS Ranger.

So in my view I call Rangers as Glasgow Rangers.
Plus it means if Celtic or Rangers win a big European game, we know it was the Scottish side who did it, not a team in another sport or country.

It is mainly so people know where Celtic and Rangers are from which is Scotland, particularly Glasgow, Scotland.
I do it out of respect for Scotland, Celtic and Rangers., So people know it is a Scottish club that won, and did Scotland proud.

Thank You For Reading This Post. Thanks.

Winter or Summer Football in Scotland

Winter or Summer Football in Scotland

It is difficult to know what should be better.

Having summer football would possibly bring in more fans, from having a better time to travel to home and away games. Rather than playing games in mid-winter when games are more likely to be called off.

Also the theory is our teams would be more ready for European football, as they would have already been well into the season.

But the drawback, is that Scottish football would out of kilter with the major leagues.

The main problem is what to do when the World Cup, and European Championships are being played.

It would be difficult to hold the Scottish League while international teams are at the major trophies, Particularly Rangers and Celtic would have stars playing in the World Cup or European  Championships. What if Scotland qualified for one of these tournaments, and 10 or 15 players were missing from Scottish League teams while the domestic games were being played. This could motivate teams not to produce Scottish internationals, as they would know if Scotland qualified for a major trophy, those players would be missing from domestic games, because they would be playing for the international side.

The major European leagues of Spain, England, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Russia, and the Netherlands, would see this as a major problem as their leagues produce so many international players at major tournaments.

This is the main problem for me.

Even the likes of Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs, Dundee United and Motherwell could produce Scottish internationals in major tournaments. So this is not just a Glasgow Celtic or Glasgow Rangers issue.

A solution to the problem could be to have more games each season, and limit how many games a player can play in each season domestically. So teams would know every player would be out of the squad for a time in each season, anyway.

As I discuss in this previous post.

This way teams would just choose the World Cup to remove those internationals from the domestic club games.

This would solve the problem, but would simply mean playing games all year, which would defeat the purpose of having summer football, but less winter football. 

I think unfortunately it is not possible to play the league during major trophies, as it would mean teams would be punished for producing good international class players.  
The only solution is to play major international tournaments in the winter. And have the domestic seasons in the summer. But that would mean major football international tournaments could not take place in Northern Europe, as the weather would too tough, and unpredictable.

Franz Ferdinand - Can't Stop Feeling - Video

Franz Ferdinand - Can't Stop Feeling


Article On List of Alternative Histories In Sport And Politics.

Article On List of Alternative Histories In Sport And Politics.

I have listed here a list of my alternative history lists.

I enjoyed writing a series of alternative histories for sport and politics. The lists are supposed to be interesting, and sometimes amusing or satirical. I like to make jokes in the lists.

This is my sense of humour.

I love sports, particularly Scottish football. I love watching and playing sports. But I also love to read the historic lists of scores, winners, champions, runners up, and attendances, in sports. I am quite analytical in that sense.

For me it is fascinating to see who has been the most successful in a sport, where they are from and why they have been the most successful.

My mind likes to work out why things happen. I also have an imagination where I imagine what could happen, or could have happened.

As a child I enjoyed making up my own teams, and imagining who would win those games. I used to build entire leagues of football. And imaginary teams.

It is a bit like the way some people play computer games, or fantasy football, or other fantasy sports. It is a bit like the way some people love to read fiction and watch movies, like I do.

In my lists that I list, I imagine imaginary sports leagues with imaginary teams winning the trophies. It is fun for me.

I think you can read huge amounts into lists, such as history, jokes, satire, geography, politics, and alternative histories.

It is interesting to read behind the lines at lists, and see who has been the most successful.

Boxing World Champion Alternative History List 
Rugby Union Alternative History
Baseball Alternative History 
Basketball Alternative History 
Cricket Alternative History 
Imaginary English Football League
Ancient Football World Champions
Scottish Imaginary Champions of Football 
Alternative Welsh Soccer Champions
Golf Major Solar System Champions
Alternative USA History Presidents Lists
Alternative History Of The United Kingdom Through A List Of Prime Ministers
Alternative History - UK College Sports Winning List

Thank You For Reading This Post. 
Enjoy.  All the lists are on this blog.
This is a list of alternative history.
The lists are mostly sports lists, but also with a list of Prime Ministers.

Joy Dunlop & Twelfth Day performing "Two Birds"

A nice performance of music, by Joy Dunlop and Twelfth Night.

Regionalization Of Scottish Football Cups, And Divisions.

Regionalization Of Scottish Football Cups, And Divisions.

I think it would be a good idea to regionalize further the divisions in Scottish football. This would cut down on travel, leaving players more time to train and improve technique.

I know you also need to ensure the best players can play each other, so they can improve standards.

It is important in sports in ensuring elite clubs and players can play the best players and clubs, so they can improve and test themselves against top sides, and players.

But in the lower leagues it might be a good idea to regionalize, so to cut down on travel costs, and to improve the amount of time players have to train and develop their football technique.

The less time travelling, means more time training and developing.

My idea is that the Scottish Cup, and Scottish League Cup should be regionalized up to the Quarter Final, with perhaps North, Central, and South regions.

League Re-organization

The Scottish tiers 3 and tier 4, could be regionalized to North and South. So the 20 teams in these divisions would be split into North and South.

The Championship would still be a national division, with 10 teams.

The bottom two teams in the championship could be relegated, each season.

To decide who gets promoted, the champions of the North and South divisions would be promoted, automatically.  

There could be a play off system to make promotion and relegation more complicated, but more nerve racking. But that is too complicated for me to write about.

Cutting down on travel would help cut logistics costs, but damage the elite quality of the higher divisions.

Luinneag MhicLeòid - Joy Dunlop

Here is the great Scottish Gaelic Singer Joy Dunlop.

Not Over You (acoustic) - Tessa Violet

This is the young singer Tessa Violet, singing one of her cool songs.

Friday, February 7, 2020

More Teams The Better, In Scottish Football.

More Teams The Better, In Scottish Football.
I think we need as many massive clubs, professional clubs , part time, and amateur clubs as we possibly can in Scottish football.
Some critics claim that we should cut the number of clubs in Scotland. I disagree,

There argument is that if we have less clubs then we can concentrate resources in the elite clubs.
Well I support us having some super elite clubs who can compete with the best clubs in Europe and the rest of the World. But we also need to have some smaller level clubs.
The more teams we have, the more chances there are for Scottish football players to develop and learn about how to play competitive soccer at their level.

Players can find their level, early in their career and develop and move up through the divisions as they improve.
So a player can get early competitive football at say a Lowland League or Highland League Side. Or they can develop at a Scottish second tier side, or even a top tier side. If they are prodigies then they could start at one of the big clubs like Aberdeen, Celtic, Rangers, Hearts, Hibs or Dundee or Dundee United.
If you cut the number of opportunities for Scottish players to develop then that decreases the chances of developing top Scottish players.

So some argue we should merge the Dundee sides. But if we merged them then instead of having 22 first team opportunities each week, then we would only have 11 starting places each week.

The more professional opportunities each week we have the more chance there is of developing top[ players for Scottish football.
If you look at the history of Scottish football, many players have started off way down the football league system. I include loan player opportunities loaned to junior or non league sides. For instance Kenny Dalglish went on loan to Cumbernauld United early in his career.
Top Scottish keeper Jim Leighton went on loan to Deveronvale in his early days.
Willie Miller, the Aberdeen legend, went on loan early in his career to Peterhead.
Kenny Miller went on loan early in his career to Stenhousemuir.

I also think the elite Scottish clubs, such as Aberdeen, Glasgow Celtic, Glasgow Rangers, Hearts, Hibs, Dundee, Dundee United, and Motherwell, should have colt teams playing in the lower divisions, to ensure young Scottish players can get early competitive football at a young age.
I say we should have has many pro and part time teams as we can manage.  The more clubs we have the more players we have to develop. And who can tell which players ate going to develop. Look even Kenny Dalglish started playing competitively for Cumbernauld United.

The argument some use is that we have 42 clubs in the national leagues, and the English only have 92 clubs in their national leagues, despite having 10 times the population. But what people forget is that there is a entire set of non league divisions below their 92 English Premier and English Football League sides.
There is a massive national division below the English Football League. Plus Northern and Southern Leagues which cover regions almost as big a region as the national Scottish Leagues cover.

So the more clubs the better, and more chances there are for top players to develop in those clubs.

I have no problem with regionalising the lower divisions to cut down on travel, but we need to ensure the top players develop against top sides.

I also think if we had colt teams playing in the lower divisions, we could give foreign players chances in Scotland too. As it would be still an honour for Scottish Football to develop players for foreign nations also.

I think Scotland should try to develop top Scottish, and foreign players in the Scottish League.

Thanks For Reading The Post. ----

Nicola Benedetti - Glazunov’s Violin Concerto in A Minor, Op. 82: 1 Moderato

Nicola Benedetti - Glazunov’s Violin Concerto in A Minor, Op. 82: 1 Moderato

Here is some great violin music, from the Scottish musician.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Darling, Please - Josie Duncan

This is a song by Josie Duncan.

What I want for Scottish Football!

I support all Scottish football teams in Europe.
I support the national team being strong, and winning games, and qualifying for major tournaments.
I support us having strong Scottish players.
I support there being great players coming to Scotland, from other countries too.
I want people abroad to know about Scottish Football.  
I support every single Scottish team in Europe. I want them to all do as well as possible in European football, even including Glasgow Celtic, and Glasgow Rangers. I want Scottish football to be as strong as possible.
We need to create a system which allows us to have strong teams, a strong league, as well as a strong national side.
My view to achieve this would be to allow the big sides like Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee United to play colt teams in the lower leagues. That way it would guarantee young Scottish players would get competitive football experience early on.
Plus we need to have cross border cups on top of European, and domestic football with other countries.
This way we would have a even stronger league. We already play above our weight, so we can play even better if we use strategies which allow all our clubs to be strong.

Alternative History Lists 3.

Alternative History Lists Three.

Boxing World Champion Alternative History List 
Rugby Union Alternative History
Baseball Alternative History 
Basketball Alternative History 
Cricket Alternative History 
Imaginary English Football League
Ancient Football World Champions
Scottish Imaginary Champions of Football 
Alternative Welsh Soccer Champions
Golf Major Solar System Champions
Alternative USA History Presidents Lists
Alternative History of the United Kingdom Through a List of Prime Ministers
Alternative History - UK College Sports Winning List History

All the lists are on this blog.
This is a list of alternative history.
The lists are mostly sports lists, but also with a list of Prime Ministers.

The Queen And The Soldier - Suzanne Vega

This is a beautiful song by Suzanne Vega.

Inverness Caledonian Thistle 2-1 Falkirk | Scottish Cup Final.

This was a classic game for Inverness CT. Probably the greatest day of their history.

Dougie MacLean - Caledonia

Classic Scottish Folk Song, by Dougie MacLean.

Marlene on the Wall - Suzanne Vega

Great song by Suzanne Vega with Marlene On The Wall.

Alternative History - Prime Ministers of the United States Of America. 1788 - 2020.

Alternative History - Prime Ministers of the United States Of America. 1788 - 2020.

In this list the United States of America is run by a Prime Minister, rather than a President

Since 1788. As you can see the history of the USA is quite different to what it was in our history, although some of the events are the same. There have been female leader of the USA. You can work out the history by studying major historical events during the reigns of power.

Years in Power – Name of Prime Minister.

1788- 1800 George Adams-Jefferson (Democratic – Republican).

1800 – 02 John Washandcity (Federalist).

1802 – 19 Quincy Marple Columbo (Whig).

1819 – 24 James Miller III (Democratic).

1824 – 27 John Washandcity Junior (Whig).

1827 – 31 Andrew Higgins (Democratic).

1831 George Smith (Democratic).

1831 -33 Zachary Jackson (Liberal).

1833 – 37 George Smith (Democratic).

1837 – 45 Hans Snelders (Liberal Democratic Republican).

1845 – 46 Quentin Paul (Democratic).

1846 – 51 Abraham Evans (Conservative)

1851 - 57 Franklin Smith (Democratic).

1857 – 71 Lewis Lynton. (Republican).

1861 – 65 Civil War And The Emancipation Of The Slaves.

1971 - 81 Donald McPkuto (Democrat).

1881 – 1889 Lewis Lynton The Second (Republican)

1889 – 1901 Theo Van Der Ark (Democrat).

1901 – 05 Dwight Rosenberg (Republican).

1905 – 22 Theo Van Der Ark (Democrat).

1914 – 1918 World War One
1922 – 23 Mars Brown (Republican)

1923 – 28 William George-Brown (Republican).

1928 – 33 Bale Blair (Republican.

1928 Wall Street Crash.

1933 – 51 Jupiter Blast (Democrat).

1939 – 45 World War Two

1951 – 55 General Nelson White (Republican).

1955 - 58 Communist Takeover.

1958 – 65 General Secretary Huistra (Communist).

1964- 65 War Of Independence.

1965 General Anthony Rory (National Unity Coalition).

1965 – 71 Pryce Hopkins (Republican).

1971 – 77 Ronald Bush-Blackwell (Republican).

1975 Conquest of Soviet Union, by the USA.  

1977- 82 Bill Gore (Democrat).

1982 – 94 Tara Bush-Blackwell (Republican).

1994 – 2001 Katie Brady (Republican).

2001 – 02 Delta Brady (Republican).

2002 – 12 George Schooch (Democrat).

2012 Hilary Einstein (Democrat).

2012 – 17 Amber Alex Bruce (Republican).  

2017 – 2020 Benson Jenna (Democrat)

What will the future of this alternative United States of America hold. Who knows?

Alternative History of the United Kingdom through Prime Ministers 1722 - 2020

Alternative History of the UK through Prime Ministers.
This looks at the history of the UK which has included Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland (then the North of Ireland), The Republic of Ireland broke away from the UK, in the early 20th Century.

In this the history of the United Kingdom is different. With different Prime Ministers in charge. There are various different political events shown up via this list. I put their party in brackets.

1720 -22 Alun Brown (Whig).

1722 – 41 Lewis David (Whig).

1741 – 42 Lord Oxbridge III (Whig),

1742 – 57 Robert Churchill (Whig).

1757 – 61 Earl of West Scotland (Tory).

1761 – 64 Robert Churchill (Whig).

1764 Henry Sefton (Bald).

1764 – 78 John Roost The Elder (Democrat).

1778 – 1808 John Roost The Younger (Liberal).

1808 Franklin Kennedy (Monarchist).

1808 – 21 Duke of  Humberside (Conservative).

1821 – 40 Earl of Delhi (Colony).

1840- 42 Graeme Evans (Gold).

1842 Duke of Inverness IV (Liberal).

1842 – 55 Duke of Falkirk (Liberal).

1855 – 59 William Depp (Conservative).

1859 – 62 Doctor Smith (Conservative).

1962 – 63 Benjamin Cohen (Conservative.

1963 – 65 French Occupation  

1865 War of Independence.

1965 - 70 Benjamin Cohen (Conservative).

1870 – 75 Ewart MacKellan (Liberal).

1875 – 79 Benjamin Cohen (Conservative).

1879 – 98 Ewart MacKellan (Liberal).

1898 – 1901 Earl Flowerberry (Conservative).

1901 – 05 Lloyd Bannanaman-Appleman. (Liberal).

1905 – 10 Dame Andrea Jones (Liberal ).

1910 – 15 Duet Woods (Liberal – National)

1914 – 18 World War One.

1915 – 22 Ian Nicholls (National Unity).

1922 – 23 Andrew Judge (Conservative).

1923   James Cameron Brown (Labour).

1923 – 28 Elton Hairlose (Conservative).

1928 – 31 James Cameron Brown (National Unity).
1931 - 37 Elton Hairlose (Conservative).

 1937 – 40 Gary Beckham (Conservative).

1939 – 45 World War Two.

1940 – 46 Arthur Merlin (National Unity).

1946 – 53 Aneurin Morris (Socialist Labour).

1953 – 57 Arthur Merlin (Conservative).

1957 – 61 Alec Heath.

1961 World War Three.

1961 – 64 Soviet Occupation

1961 – 64 General Secretary Yeltanov.

1964 Second War of Independence.

1964 – 68 Gordon Aberdeen (Progressive Liberal).

1968 – 74 Islay Coe (Conservative).

1974 – 79 Ryan Larsson (Socialist Democratic Republican).

1979 – 88 Jennie Mary Bevan (Private Enterprise Monarchists).

1988 – 97 General Skye (Private Enterprise Monarchists).

1997 – 2010 Edward Prest-Benn (Modern Labour).

2010 Boris Moerpurgo (Liberal).

2010 – 2012 Jeremy Smith (Orange).

2012 – 17 Yvette Blair (Modern Labour).

2017 – 20 Margaret Heseltine (Modern Conservative).

Suzanne Vega - Solitude Standing

Great video, and song by Vega.

The Scottish Soccer League Is The Best In The World.

The Scottish Soccer League Is The Best In The World.
Because it has the highest attendances per capita. Plus it has the most passionate fans.
With big clubs like Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hibs, Dundee United Hearts, Motherwell, and Inverness CT.
The Scottish League punches above it's weight, because Scottish people support Scottish clubs.
Let's keep the Scottish League strong, and stand up to critics of Scottish Soccer.
We just need a cross border cup on top of domestic and European football.
It has more history than any other league.
It has more passion, emotion, and integrity.

The Alternative History UK University and College Titanium Bowl For Sports.

The Alternative History Of UK University And College Titanium Bowl For Sports.
The United Kingdom, which includes Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland, and used to include the entire island of Ireland, but the Republic Of Ireland got their independence around 100 years ago.

In the USA, they have college sports, which gets huge attendances And finances from the USA public. In the UK we do not take college sports that seriously. As we tend to feel that university should be for the most educated people, And that sports should be the people best at sports.

College sports seems to be for the most educated people who are also good at sports. Which is neither one thing or the other. But in any case, I have decided to do an alternative list Of champions Of the imaginary Alternative UK College Bowl for Sports. Where the universities, colleges, academies and institutes compete to be the most successful sporting academic achiever.

1889 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1890 Oxford Hibernian University.

1891 Cambridge Welsh College University.

1892 Cambridge Bishop Training College.

1893 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1894 Royal Oxford Dentist College.

1895 Royal Oxford Dentist College.

1896 Mathematics University Leith.

1897 Oxbridge Technical College.   

1898 Oxbridge Technical College.  

1899 The Royal Manchester Arts And Science University.

1900 The Royal Manchester Arts And Science University.

1901 Miners College Of Bangor, North Wales.

1902 Mathematics University Leith.

1903 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1904 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1905 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1906 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1907 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1908 Mathematics University Leith.

1909 Liverpool Music And History University.

1910 Durham College Of Northern England.

1911 Republic Academy Of Cornwall.

1912 Republic Academy Of Cornwall.

1913 The Royal Dublin University Of Literature.  

1914 The Royal Dublin University Of Literature.  

1915 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1916 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1917 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1918 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1919 General Field Marshall Academy Of Army Training.

1920 General Field Marshall Academy Of Army Training.

1921 General Field Marshall Academy Of Army Training.

1922 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1923 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1924 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1925 The King’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1926 The King’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1927 The King’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1928 The King’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1929 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1930 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1931 Glasgow Shipbuilding Academy Of Learning.

1932 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1933 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1934 Viktoria College Of Toy Making.

1935 Viktoria College Of Toy Making.

1936 Viktoria College Of Toy Making.

1937 West Midlands University Of Natural Sciences.  

1938  General Field Marshall Academy Of Army Training.

1939 – 45 Second World War.

1946 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1947 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1948 The King’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1949 The College Of History And Archaeology Of Oxbridge.

1950 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1951 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1952 Inverness Citadel College Of Sports.

1953 The London College Of Thames Fishing.

1954 The Royal Newcastle College Of Plumbing And Carpentry.

1955 The Royal Newcastle College Of Plumbing And Carpentry.
1956 The Royal Newcastle College Of Plumbing And Carpentry.

1957 The Royal Newcastle College Of Plumbing And Carpentry.

1958 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1959 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1960 Liverpool Music And History University.

1961 The Belfast College Of Fine Dining.

1962 Manchester Computing And History Academy And University.

1963 Liverpool Music And History University.

1964 Liverpool Music And History University.

 1965 Liverpool Music And History University.

1966 London Grande Ecoles.

1967 London Grande Ecoles.

1968 London Grande Ecoles.

1969 Ecole Nationale Bristol.

1970 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1971 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1972 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1973 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1974 Welsh Academy Of Rugby And Climbing.

1975 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1976 The Glaswegian Institute Of Science And Technology.

1977 The Glaswegian Institute Of Science And Technology.

1978 The Glaswegian Institute Of Science And Technology.

1979 The Saint Tristan College Of Aberdeen.

1980 Coventry Automobile Makers University.

1981 Newport Gwent Nursing And History University.

1982 Welsh Academy Of Rugby And Hiking.

1983 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1984 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1985 Universidad London Academy.

1986 Applied Science, Nursing And Technology Academy of Aberdeen.

1987 Universidad London Academy.

1988 Universidad London Academy.

1989 London Grande Ecoles.

1990 London Grande Ecoles.

1991 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1992 Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru Cyfrifiaduro.

1993 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1994 Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru Cyfrifiaduro.

1995 Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru Cyfrifiaduro.
1996 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

1997 Coventry Airforce Royal College Of Flight.

1998 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

1999 Coventry Airforce Royal College Of Flight.

2000 Coventry Airforce Royal College Of Flight.

2001 Royal Gwent Newport University.

2002 Royal Gwent Newport University.

2002 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

2003 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

2004 Royal Welsh Institute Of Climbing And Potholing.

2005 Old Oxbridge Religious Institute and Academy.  

2006 Socialist University Of North West England.  

2007 Royal Welsh Institute Of Climbing And Potholing.

2008 Old Oxbridge Religious Institute and Academy.  

2009 Old Oxbridge Religious Institute and Academy.  

2010 Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru Cyfrifiaduro.

2011 Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru Cyfrifiaduro.

2012 London Grande Ecoles.

2013 The Queen’s Royal Navy Sailors University.

2014 English Academy of Snooker and Darts.

2015 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

2016 English Academy of Snooker and Darts.

2017 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

2018 Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

2019 Royal Welsh Institute Of Climbing And Potholing.

2020  Scottish Institute Of Football And Rugby.  

Monday, February 3, 2020

Should we allow feeder teams in the Scottish League?

I think it would be interesting to have feeder teams in the Scottish League.
The big clubs like Celtic and Rangers and Aberdeen could easily play colt teams in the lower leagues, or even buy up a small part time side in the Scottish League. The big clubs could then use those clubs to develop young players.
Another idea would be the idea of foreign clubs buying up small Scottish clubs and using them as feeder clubs to develop young players from all over the world.
We could get French, USA, German, Spanish, English or Italy sides to buy small part time clubs in Scotland and use them to blood young players from all over the world.

The only problem is that some clubs may not work hard for themselves as they will just exist to help the parent club.
I would not want Aberdeen FC to be pure feeder club although they do have an arrangement with a USA side.
The problem is any good players would surely be immediately taken by the parent club. While only players not good enough for the parent club would play for the feeder club.
But it could allow the feeder club to get players that they would not be able to afford.
Plus the feeder club could get help financing their stadium or paying off debts, and get financial security.

It would also be great if some great players of the future started their careers playing in the Scottish League for a feeder side.
There could be a limit on the number of feeder teams in the League.

Thanks For Reading.

Runrig - Proterra - Perfomance of song

A great performance by Runrig.

Runrig - Book of Golden Stories (Live at Stirling 2018 - Official Video)

Another song by the great Scottish band.

Côr Esceifiog - O Gymru

This is a famous Welsh song, sung in Welsh. This is a great song.

Runrig - Alba (Live at Stirling 2018 - Official Video)

This is the famous Scottish band.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Great Britain Women’s Premier Cup - NEW TROPHY IDEA

Most of my football blog posts are about Scottish men’s football. 

But here is an idea about Women’s football.
A Great Britain Women’s Premier Cup - New Trophy Idea.  
I think that Scotland, England, and Wales should have a new club trophy on top of domestic and European women’s football. I do not want the Scottish and Welsh sides to play in the English Leagues, as we are our own countries with our identities. But a cross border cup would be a great idea. It should be the Great Britain Women’s Premier Cup. Where the top division sides of England, play the top sides of the Scottish and Welsh Leagues.
It could be a group stage trophy. With the 12 teams from the English Top League. The top 6 sides from Scotland. Plus the top 2 Welsh League teams.

Organization of the Trophy.
This leaves a 20-team trophy.
So, if the teams are sorted into five groups of four.
Each team plays 6 games in the group stage, home and away. Then the winners of each groups, and the 3 best runner’s up go into the 8 teams knockout stages.
There is then a single leg straight knockout cup leading to a final. The final would be played at a neutral venue.
This would really help Welsh, and Scottish football grow. And it would be an extra trophy for teams to compete for.
The English teams, could use the trophy to try our fringe players in the group stages, and then take the later stages more seriously like big sides do in the men’s Scottish League Cup and English League Cup.  
Also, even more ambitious. would be to allow Northern and Republic of Ireland teams to take part. If they took part it could be a Great Britain and Ireland Women’s Premier Cup. But this may not be possible for Irish and Welsh clubs to travel these distances across the Irish Sea, in terms of expense, and distances. 
Also perhaps lower division English sides could play in the trophy, from the second tier of the English Women's football league system. Or even, from even lower division teams could play in the trophy.
It would really help Celtic soccer, without annexing the Scottish and Welsh identities. 
Travel could be aided, by having Welsh teams play English sides close to Wales, in the group stages. Plus with Scottish sides playing Northern English sides in the earlier group stages. 
Obviously the knockout stages would be drawn randomly with no regionalisation of the draws.
It would be a fun new trophy, to help Celtic soccer. 
Thanks for reading my blog post. 

Keep the Scottish League Cup

I think we should keep the Scottish League Cup. It is a great historical trophy in Scottish soccer. It has been going since the nineteen forties. It is a massively historical trophy. With some classic matches and finals. Such as Aberdeen 3 v 3 Rangers in 1987. 
I also feel the same way about the Scottish FA Cup, and Scottish Challenge Cup. 

We keep having some people claim all that matters is the League and Europe, and that we should get rid of the other cups. I accept that Europe and the League are the priorities. But if players are playing too many games, a solution to that problem is to have limits to how many games each individual player can play in the League. Everybody would be in the same boat. That opens them up to play more games in cups, and European football. 
In fact as I have said before we should have more cups, such as a cup with other teams of the British and Irish Isles. So Welsh, Scottish, English and Irish sides could play in games. 

Some people say get rid of the League Cup, and have a British Cup. Well why can't we do both a Scottish League Cup, and a British League Cup. 
Some will automatically say that is too many games, but as I have said before we solve the problem by limiting the number of games each player plays in the league. 

In basketball, the NBA teams play over 80 games a season. 
The NHL and Major League Baseball teams play over 150 competitive games a season. So other sports play more games than we do in football, We could do that by simply rationing how many games each player plays, rather than how many games the entire club plays a season. 

Thanks for reading my post. -

Harry Lauder | Roamin' in the Gloamin'

The first Scottish Superstar of music.

Scotland needs to get a cross border cup with another country-

I think in football, Scotland needs to get a cross border cup. Keep the Scottish League, and keep the big clubs in the league. I do not want Celtic and Rangers to join the English Leagues. But what about having a cross border cup with clubs from another country for the top 4 sides, from Scotland, in a group stage trophy, with another country? Perhaps even the 12 Scottish Premier sides and sides from, the English, Welsh, and Irish Leagues. Or if they do not want it. How about a cup with Dutch, Belgians, Portuguese, or the Scandinavian countries? Even with Poland, and the Central European countries.

I would prefer a trophy with the other countries of the British and Irish Isles to cut down on travel. But if they do not want to we could go further afield, further into Europe.
Also if the English say they play too many games, to have a competition with us. Well as I have said there is a solution to the problem. Limit how many games a player can play in the Scottish and English Leagues per season, to leave spare weeks to play in the Scottish Leagues. That would free up time to have extra games, in a new competition.

In baseball and ice hockey in the USA club teams play over 100 games a season. In the NBA they play over 80 games a season.
The clubs do not play too many games in Scotland, and England. It is simply the players playing too many games.

So my idea is keep Scottish teams playing in the domestic league, and keep domestic cups, and European football, but have on top of that a new cross border cup with teams from another country.

Siobhan Miller - Bonny Light Horseman

Some more great Scottish music.

Iona Fyfe - Final Recital - The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

This is some good Scottish music.

Duran Duran - Ordinary World (Official Music Video)

This is my fave Duran Duran song. It is a true classic. Deep, meaningful and profound. A work of genius.

Propaganda - Duel - Video of Song

This is a tremendous song from the eighties by  a European band, 'Propaganda.'

It is a classic song.

Manic Street Preachers - Motorcycle Emptiness

My fave song by the Manic Street Preachers.

Lady Gaga - The Edge Of Glory

Lady Gaga Video. The Edge Of Glory.

Mute Swan Video

Pictures of beautiful Mute Swans by a river. The Mute Swans here are eating grass, and enjoying the food.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

We need to increase Global Interest in the Scottish Soccer System.

The only way to grow Scottish football, is to grow the global, and particularly, British interest in Scottish football. 

We need to improve the TV audiences and get a good price for Scottish football. If Scottish clubs were earning 20 million a year they could challenge for European trophies. They could bring massive singings to the Scottish game.

So what needs to be done is too find ways to grow commercial interest in Scottish soccer. Cross border cups, with the other British nations is one way forward. But without getting rid of the Scottish League. And without chucking the biggest clubs out of the Scottish League, which would destroy Scottish football.

I do not want Celtic or Rangers to leave the Scottish league, unless a European Super League is formed. But I do not want them just to leave the league, for simply another country.

Chairlift - Ch - Ching! (live @ Prospect Park 6/22/13 Tropfest New York,...

This is a great version of the song. With a tremendous dancing charismatic performance by Caroline Polachek.

Alternative History Champions Two

Boxing World Champion Alternative History List 
Rugby Union Alternative History
Baseball Alternative History 
Basketball Alternative History 
Cricket Alternative History 
Imaginary English Football League
Ancient Football World Champions
Scottish Imaginary Champions of Football 
Alternative Welsh Soccer Champions
Golf Major Solar System Champions
All the lists are on this blog.
This is a list of alternative history sporting champions in various different sports.

Alternative History - Welsh Football Champions List 1887 - 2019.

Alternative History - Welsh Football Champions List 1887 - 2019.
This is an alternative history of Wales football. Where different teams win the Welsh Soccer League. This is the alternative history of teams becoming champions of Wales at soccer (AKA FOOTBALL). This is the male soccer league champions. In this world Wales started their league in 1887.

1887 Fynnonfeld Dragons.

1888 Fynnondfeld Dragons.

1889 Llanwoototle Leaks.

1890 Aberwoototle Scopts.

1891 Welsh Cymru Angels.

1892 Welsh Cymru Angels.

1893 Cowbont United.

1894 Llanpresiriant Celtic.

1895 Llanpresiriant Celtic.

1896 Welsh Cymru Peiriant.

1897 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners.

1898 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners

1899 North Wales Farmer Nomads.   

1900 North Wales Farmer Nomads.   

1901 Holy Bwrw Glaw Town.

1902 Holy Bwrw Glaw Town.

1903 Glasaberllan Celts.

1904 Glasaberllan Celts.

1905 Glasaberllan Celts.

1906 Glasaberllan Celts.

1907 Caerporlafa Town.

1908 Clwcwm United.

1909 The Giants Of Bridgeaxesword.

1910 The Giants Of Bridgeaxesword.

1911 The Giants Of Bridgeaxesword.

1912 The Giants Of Bridgeaxesword.

1913 Bridgeaxesword Dinas.

1914 Glasberllan Awstralasia.

1915 Holy Bwrw Glaw Town.

1916 Llanpresiriant Celtic.

1917 Llanpresiriant Celtic.

1918 Llanpresiriant Celtic.

1919 Llanpresiriant Celtic.

1920 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners.

1921 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners.

1922 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners.

1923 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners.

1924 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners.

1925 Ynys Pentref Du.

1926 Churchsteeple Tref.

1927 Glasaberllan Celts.

1928 Holy Bwrw Glaw Town.

1929 Snowtref Maer.

1930 Maes Melyn Bishops.

1931 Sporting Snowtref.

1932 Llyn Newydd Glascryn United.

1933 Llyn Newydd Glascryn United.

1934 Moel Pentrefboeth Climbers.

1935 Glasaberllan Celts.

1936 Llyn Newydd Glascryn United.

1937 Moel Pentrefboeth Climbers.

1938 Snowtef Llewellyn.

1939 – 45 Second World War.

1946 Holy Bwrw Glaw Town.

1947 Glasaberllan Celts.

1948 Glasaberllan Celts.

1949 Llancieniogel Town.

1950 Silversmith Evans Bows.

1951 Llancieniogel Town.

1952 Maes Melyn Bishops.

1953 Caerporlafa Town.

1954 Maes Melyn Bishops.

1955 Maes Melyn Bishops.
1956 Caerporlafa City.

1957 Glasaberllan Celts.

1958 Snowtef Llewellyn.

1959 The Viking Swordhammers.

1960 Silversmith Evans Bows.

1961 Llyn Newydd Glascryn United.

1962 Ynys Searowispow Wanderers.

1963 Ynys Searowispow Wanderers.

1964 Ynys Searowispow Wanderers.

1965 Ynys Searowispow Wanderers.

1966 Ynys Searowispow Wanderers.

1967 The Viking Swordhammers.

1968 Holy Bwrw Glaw Town.

1969 Glasaberllan Celts.

1970 Glasaberllan Celts.

1971 Glasaberllan Celts.

1972  Glasaberllan Celts.

1973 Grass Runner City Steelers.

1974 Ynys Searowispow Wanderers.

1975 Ynys Searowispow Wanderers.

1976 Silversmith Evans Bows.

1977 Silversmith Evans Bows.

1978 The Viking Swordhammers.

1979 The Moon Spotters of Wales  

1980 Glasaberllan Celts.

1981 Holy Bwrw Glaw Town.

1982 - 85 The Welsh Civil War.  

1986 Maes Melyn Bishops.

1987 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners.

1988 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners.

1989 Ynys Searowispow Wanderers.

1990 Holy Bwrw Glaw Town.

1991 Llancieniogel Town.

1992 Glasaberllan Celts.

1993 Glasaberllan Celts.

1994 Llancieniogel Town.

1995 Grass Runner City Steelers.
1996 Llancieniogel Town.

1997 The Viking Swordhammers.

1998 The Viking Swordhammers.

1999 The Viking Swordhammers.

2000 The Viking Swordhammers.

2001 Glasaberllan Celts.

2002 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners.

2002 Ynys Searowispow Wanderers.

2003 Ynys Searowispow Wanderers.

2004 Auraccoal Rangers.

2005 Auraccoal Rangers.

2006 Auraccoal Rangers.

2007 Auraccoal Rangers.

2008 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners.

2009   Auraccoal Rangers.

2010 Cymru Locomotive Coal Miners.

2011 The Viking Swordhammers.

2012 The Viking Swordhammers.

2013 Glasaberllan Celts.

2014 Glasaberllan Celts.

2015 Glasaberllan Celts.

2016 Glasaberllan Celts.

2017 The Viking Swordhammers.

2018 Auraccoal Rangers.

2019 Auraccoal Rangers.


It's Never Over (Hey Orpheus) - Arcade Fire

This is my fave Arcade Fire song. It is called It's Never Over (Hey Orpheus). It is a deep and profound song. Cool. It is deep.

Jimmy Eat World - 555

This is a super original video by the clever USA band.

Bruce Springsteen - Streets of Philadelphia

One of my fave Bruce Springsteen songs. It is a great profound song, with a powerful voice by Bruce.

Caroline Polachek – So Hot You’re Hurting My Feelings

A super performance on a great USA TV show.

Highlights: Huddersfield Town 1-3 Celtic Reserves | Karamoko Dembele, Mc...

I hope Dembele chooses to play for Scotland, rather than England.