Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Played Pleadings From The Future - Poem.

 The Played Pleadings From The Future - Poem.

Unlike, all other messages you will have heard.

This is a message from the future. 

Everything you know, hear, and see was made in the past.

The stars in the sky.

The voices from other humans.

Even now. 

That was history programming into your mind.  

The sight of beautiful paintings. 

The sound of beautiful music. 

It was all made in the past. 

And as time goes by. 

Those message from the past. 

Become as truer than any fate. 

You think they were always destined to happen. 

But even now. 

But this is a song from the future. 

Do not let your World die. 

Do not let your people fight. 

Do not let your hatreds destroy the civilisation. 

That messages from the past created. 

Every lesson from the past has history.

But every message from the future, is the voice of our fate that you will help create. 

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