Monday, June 7, 2021

Celtic, Rangers, And Barcelona In The French League

Celtic, Rangers, And Barcelona In The French League.

I have heard some French football fans talk about inviting Celtic, Rangers and Barcelona into theiur league. 

This would be a massive move for Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers. They would get to play bigger, sides and probably make more money. But travel would be difficult for fans. 

Barcelona would be playing in a different country's league if they left the Spanish league to join the French League. 

If Glasgow Celtic, Barcelona and Glasgow Rangers joined the French League it would increase the size of the French League but would damage the Scottish and Spanish leagues. 

Plus there would be language issues. 

Would UEFA allow it? 

It would damage the other teams of the Scottish Premier to lose Celtic and Rangers. As Celtic and Rangers bring in crowds, TV money and advertising money. 

The Spanish league has other big sides like Real Madrid, A Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla, and Villareal. So the Spanish League would still be a major league. 

I think cross border leagues have often been frowned upon by some people. 

Perhaps a cross border cup, on top of domestic leagues and UEFA football, with the French sides, plus  Glasgow Celtic, Glasgow Rangers, Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs, Dundee United, and Barcelona could happen? 

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