Wednesday, June 23, 2021

I Cannot Wait To See Celtic Colts and Rangers Colts In The Lowland League

 I Cannot Wait To See Celtic Colts and Rangers Colts In The Lowland League.
It is about producing more great Scottish soccer players. 

This is a great progressive move for Scottish soccer. 

We need young players at all clubs to get competitive game time. So they can improve and learn at a proper level. 

The Croats, Dutch, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany all allow second teams to play in the league system. 

I want all Scottish professional teams to play reserve or colt sides in the lower divisions. So all young players get a chance. 

For me the priority is the Scottish football team,

It is unrealistic to expect Glasgow Rangers, Glasgow Celtic, Dundee United or Aberdeen to play an entire first team of under 21 year old Scottish players. But they would do that with colt sides in lower leagues. 

I want Scottish club teams to do well in Europe, and the national sides to do well 

This is about the morally good stance of improving the Scottish national side, so we can beat great sides, and get far in the trophies.


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