Thursday, June 24, 2021

Scottish People - Should Scotland Be Getting Better Players

Scottish People Should Scotland Getting Better Players.

My priority list as a Scottish soccer fan is;

1. Scotland qualify for and do well in international trophies.

2. Scottish soccer clubs do well in UEFA trophies.

3. Scottish clubs attract and develop good players. 

4. Scotland produce good managers and coaches.

5. Clubs based in Scotland play in more cross border trophies on top of domestic and UEFA football. 

I support all Scottish clubs in Europe, and want Scotland to produce better players, 

But there are some people who could not care less how well Scotland and Scottish clubs do. And my view is that if you don't care how well Scotland do, then why should someone listen to your ideas? 

I think there is a problem of people who could not care less how many good players Scotland produces, 

I met someone who actually talked about sporting integrity, and morality when suggesting her would rather Scottish football fail than try out new ideas. 

I do not see it as morally good or sporting integrity to want Scotland to fail to qualify for trophies. Why is it morally good to want Scotland to lose 

I support morality. I support sporting integrity. But it is not sporting integrity to want Scottish clubs to fail. 

It is not sporting integrity to want Scotland to fail to produce good players. 

That is why I support colt teams of the big sides in the lower leagues. It is why I want Scottish clubs to have cross border trophies on top of domestic and UEFA football trophies.

It is our duty as a football community to create a system that produces top players for the national side and produces clubs that can perform well in Europe. 

I met someone who thought the colt idea was against sporting integrity. It has nothing to do with sporting integrity. And surely the far worse thing is to want Scotland to fail to produce good players? 

I want Scotland and Scottish clubs to do well. But I do not understand how anyone could put their part time team finishing 3 or 4 places higher in the league as above Scottish football having good teams.


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