Monday, March 15, 2021

There Is Somewhere For Scottish Clubs To Go.

 There Is Somewhere For Scottish Clubs To Go.

I heard someone say that there is nowhere for Scottish football sides to go. But there is. 

European football is the place where Scottish sides can test themselves.

As well as prove themselves with trophy win in Scotland.  

The top Scottish sides can qualify for Europe, and play massive European sides, in the UEFA Champions League, Europa League and the new Europa Conference League. 

Clubs like Glasgow Celtic, Glasgow Rangers, Aberdeen, Heart of Midlothian, Hibernian, Motherwell, Dundee, and Dundee United can aim to go far in  European trophies and win massive games against massive great European sides. 

So there is a place for the great Scottish sides to go. 

Plus the top players and managers can show themselves in international football, and can show themselves in other  leagues when they move. 


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