Sunday, March 7, 2021

Glasgow Rangers Are Scottish Premier Champions - 2021

Glasgow Rangers Are Scottish Premier Champions - 2021.

Congratulations to Rangers fans, players and staff, on winning their first Scottish Premier title since 2011.

Dundee United drew with Glasgow Celtic in Dundee 0 - 0. That means that Rangers cannot finish behind Celtic on points. 

Glasgow Rangers have won the title under their now legendary manager Steven Gerrard. 

Gerrard has won the title at Glasgow Rangers for the first time.

Glasgow Celtic had won the Scottish Premier title for nine season in a row.  

Rangers have so far played 32 games, and have 88 points. 

Celtic have 68 points after 32 games. 

With 6 games left for both sides, and 3 points for a win. That means there are only a maximum 18 points left for Glasgow Celtic to get. So even if Rangers lost all their remaining games, and Celtic won all their remaining games. Then Glasgow Celtic would still be two points behind Glasgow Rangers. 

The top scorers for Rangers in the Scottish Premier so far this season, are James Tavernier with 11 goals. And Alfredo Morelos, and Kemar Roofe with 10 goals each. 

Also Ryan Kent, Connor Goldson, Borna Barišić, Steven Davis, Ianis Hagi, and Ryan Jack amongst others have been key for Glasgow Rangers in winning the Scottish Premier. 

Rangers have also had a good run in the Europa League. 

The Scottish Premier title is title number 55 for Glasgow Rangers. 

The biggest win for Rangers, in the Scottish Premier, up to this point this season is 8-0 against Hamilton in November. 

Their second biggest win in the league for Glasgow Rangers so far this season, is 5-0 against Ross County in January. 

Rangers have not lost in the Scottish Premier so far this season. 

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