Thursday, March 25, 2021

If Croatia And Portugal Can Produce Great International Soccer Teams, Why Can't Scotland?

 If Croatia And Portugal Can Produce Great International Soccer Teams, Why Can't Scotland?

Croatia reached the 2018 World Cup Final. 

Portugal won the 2016 European Championships. 

They are around the same size as Scotland. So why can't Scotland produce a glut of great players?

We need to produce a glut of great international class players to do well.

Scotland used to produce tonnes of great international players.  

It is noticeable that Portugal and Croatia both allow their big sides to play second teams in their lower divisions. This allows young players to get early competitive experience against top sides. 

I think Scotland should do this.

Scotland should put forward a football system which ensures the top teams still have clubs that do well in Europe, but still have places available for young players to develop. 

We need to put Scotland first. 

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