Friday, March 5, 2021

Scotland needs to have good clubs sides and good players

Scotland needs to have good clubs sides and good players,

I think the priority is for Scotland to produce good Scottish players for the international side. 

But we also need to keep, and attract good players to the clubs, to have a strong club system, 

I want Scottish sides to do well in Europe. 

One way to do this is to play in extra cross border cups, against top foreign club sides that attract more revenue for Scottish soccer. 

While at the same time allowing the big sides to have B sides, or colt sides, in the lower divisions, so there is still a conveyor belt of Scottish talent coming through, even when they have experienced or foreign players in the first team. 

I would love Celtic Colts, Aberdeen Colts, Hearts Colts, Motherwell Colts, Hibs Colts, Dundee United Colts, and Rangers Colts to play in League One and League Two and get big crowds. It would increase interest in the lower leagues. There would be big matches where stadiums get filled.

In Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Croatia, Portugal and France the big sides have had second teams playing in the lower leagues. Plus Scotland used to have B teams of the big sides playing in the old C Division.  

The point is to ensure all the top Scottish players develop. Get back to Scotland producing a glut of top players. And those players could earn big money for Scottish football via transfers.

This is about helping the Scottish national side develop, 

Imagine games like Aberdeen Colts v Peterhead, Dundee United Colts v Cowdenbeath, Motherwell Colts v Albion Rovers, Glasgow Celtic Colts v Dumbarton, Glasgow Rangers Colts v Clyde, Hearts Colts v Edinburgh City, Hibs Colts v East Fife. 

It would be cool. It would make Scottish football look top quality, and sophisticated.  

Some people have said that the colt sides may attract more players from the other Scottish sides. But all teams will be in the same boat. So those sides can just compete for other Scottish players. So more Scottish players get game time.

This is about developing more chances for more Scottish players.  It is a compliment to the tier 3 and tier 4 sides to say they would be good sets of teams to develop players against. 

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