Monday, May 18, 2020

We need B teams in the lower leagues of the Scottish football system

We need B teams in the lower leagues of the Scottish football system.

The point in this is to allow young Scottish players at the big sides to get early experience of competitive football of playing adult players and testing themselves in front of crowds and real teams.

At present young Scottish players are often kept from playing in the first team by older more experienced players from Scotland or abroad.

A good way to beat this problem, is to have all the Premier sides having B teams in the lower divisions. So young players will be guaranteed games against proper teams.

I would allow all Scottish Premier to have teams in an expanded bottom division of Scottish football, where they could play real Scottish League sides.

In Croatia, France, Portugal, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and Spain, the big sides play reserve or youth teams in the lower divisions. It is noticeable that they are all very successful football leagues in developing young players. With all having successful international sides.

This is not about helping the Rangers or Celtic.

I am not a Celtic or Rangers fan. I want this so every Scottish player is developed to maximum potential. And someone will say well why don’t the big sides play their young players anyway, but that is not living in the real world. Their fans demand they play top ready-made players to win the league. Even the small sides to not play entire teams of young players.

We need to develop a system that produces a successful international sides that can qualify for and do well in major international trophies.

Also within the system, the teams could be forced to play number of young players in their B teams, with 3 players over 23 allowed in their B team first 11.The over age players would be there to pass on tricks of the trade to the younger players. So they learn.

Also at present teams keep their home gate receipts, in the Scottish League. So to encourage this idea, any B team would have to share their home gate receipts with their opposing away side.

Critic of my idea-

What about the smaller sides losing their place in the Scottish League?

My answer to that, is that I am happy for as many teams as possible to join the Scottish League.

But you should not put a part time finishing 7 places higher in the Scottish League system above developing good players for the Scottish international side.

And what gets on nerves is people who want to cut the number of teams in the Scottish league, and the next minute want to stop B teams joining the Scottish League out of some fake concern for the smaller part time sides. I love the small part time Scottish sides, but I do not put them above Scotland developing good international players that can perform well for Scotland.

The priority should be having a successful international sides and having Scottish club sides that perform well in European football, and attracting good players to Scotland.

This would really help the international side.

How would you like it if your team had to play a B team?

I would not mind. There are major sides who have played B sides in Scotland in the past.
I would be perfectly happy playing a major side’s B team if it helped Scotland produce more international players. If you are in the lower divisions, you can hardly claim you are too good to play a B team. If that is your level, then that is your level.

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