Saturday, May 2, 2020

USA - British Isles Soccer Club Cup

A USA - British Isles Soccer Club Cup.

How about the leading club sides of Scotland, England, the USA, Canada, Ireland (including N Ireland), and Wales, play a cross border cup called the USA – British Isles Cup?

The USA and Canada have great potential for soccer as a sport. So we could benefit from playing massive sports sides of the USA.

The banter would be great as USA and most Canada people speak English.

There could be great trips to places like New York, LA, Miami, Salt Lake City, Chicago, and Dallas.  

The only problem would be global warming as travelling across the Atlantic Ocean every week would be bad for our carbon footprint and increase global warming. So there would need to be ways of limiting the number of trips across the Atlantic Ocean. Such as teams playing consecutive games on one trip across the Atlantic Ocean.  

Teams like Glasgow Celtic, Glasgow Rangers and Aberdeen would love to play big USA club sides and make soccer big in the USA. If the English think they are too big for this. Then the Scots could do it on their own playing big USA sides in competitive games. A Scottish - USA Cup. Celtic and Rangers would be big attractions. 

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