Thursday, May 21, 2020

Imaginary Scottish Football Champions TWO 1891 - 2019

Imaginary Scottish Football Champions TWO.

This is my second list on this blog, of an imaginary Scottish football league in men’s football.

In this world Scotland has a different history. Scotland win the football World Cup in 1934, 1950, and 1974.

The Indians won independence from the United Kingdom in 1922, after a major war with the British Empire.

In 1952 there was a second civil war within the United Kingdom.

Scotland stayed as part of the United Kingdom, until 1956.

1891 Clevburgh and Blue Gone Thistle (Shared).

1892 Blue Gone Thistle.

1893 Loch Eire Harp.

1894 Royal Jerusalem United.  

1895 Ferdinand City Scotland.

1896 Ferdinand City Scotland

1897 Islurast

1898 Ben Zoppy Zwoapski.

1899 Ben Zoppy Zwoapski.

1900 Loch Eire Harp.

1901 Loch Eire Harp.

1902 Loch Eire Harp.

1903 Loch Eire Harp.
1904 Dunclown Welsh.

1905 Loch Eire Harp.

1906 Dunclown Gold.

1907 Queen of North West Scotland.

1908 Dunclown Gold.

1909 Royal Laughlouw Saints.

1910 Royal Laughlouw Saints.

1911 Royal Laughlouw Saints.

1912 Blue Gone Thistle

1913 Blue Gone Thistle

1914 Loch Eire Harp.

1915 Loch Eire Harp.

1916 Loch Eire Harp.

1917 Loch Eire Harp.

1918 Blue Gone Thistle

1919 Drochaid Islay.

1920 Hollydun

1921 The Forth Of Gers.

1922 The War of Indian Independence.

1923 Blue Gone Thistle.

1924 Blue Gone Thistle.

1925 Blue Gone Thistle.

1926 Blue Gone Thistle.

1927 The Forth Of Gers.

1928 Innis Loch Innis.

1929 Llos Poctor Town.

1930 Llos Poctor Town.

1931 Blue Gone Thistle.

1932 Blue Gone Thistle.

1933 Drochaid Islay.

1934 Brothers Of The Green Fields.

1935 St Jupiter.

1936 Blue Gone Thistle.

1937 Scottish Delhi Caledonian.

1938 Islurast Rangers.

1939 – 1945 World War Two

1946 Mount Ben Oren.

1947 Scottish Delhi Caledonian.

1948 Nua Flamengo Caledonia.

1949 Nua Flamengo Caledonia.

1950 Drochaid Islay.

1951 Nua Flamengo Caledonia.

1952 – 1953 The Second Civil War.

1953 River Lied.

1954 McWarrow United.

1955 Caerdeen Celtic Rangers.

1956 St Welltref.

1957 Innis Loch Innis.

1958 Drochaid Islay.

1959 Scottish Delhi Caledonian.

1960 Nua Flamengo Caledonia.

1961 The Scottish Communist Civil War.

1962 Dynamo Soviet Scotland.

1963 Dynamo Soviet Scotland.

1964 Loch Eire Red Guards  

1965 New Leningrad Communists.

1966 The Counter Revolution.  

1967 Loch Eire Harp.

1968 Loch Eire Harp.

1969 Loch Eire Harp.

1970 – 1973 The Plague Crisis.

1974 Loch Eire Harp.

1975 Loch Eire Harp.

1976 Blue Gone Thistle.

1977 Loch Eire Harp.

1978 Obar Qwert Poiu.

1979 Caerdeen Celtic Rangers.

1980 Loch Eire Harp.

1981 Loch Eire Harp.

1982 Ceann Dragons.

1983 Dunlewis Cave.

1984 Caerdeen Celtic Rangers.

1985 Caerdeen Celtic Rangers.

1986 Inverclak Hibernian Citadel.

1987 Blue Gone Thistle.

1988 The Time Paradox Battle.

1986 Good Good United.

1987 Caerdeen Celtic Rangers.

1988 Blue Gone Thistle.

1989 Blue Gone Thistle.

1990 Blue Gone Thistle.

1991 Caerdeen Celtic Rangers.

1992 Blue Gone Thistle.

1993 Blue Gone Thistle.

1994 Blue Gone Thistle.

1995 Nua Flamengo Caledonia.

1996 Albion Eastern Wanderers.

1997 The 60 Day War.

1998 Nua Flamengo Caledonia.

1999 Blue Gone Thistle.

2000 Blue Gone Thistle.

2001 Albion Eastern Wanderers.

2002 Blue Gone Thistle.

2003 - 2005 The War Of Orange Skies.  

2006 Loch Eire Harp.

2007 Clouds United Island.

2008 Loch Eire Harp.

2009 – 2011 The Third World War.

2010 The Billionaires Of The Capital.

2011 The Billionaires Of The Capital.

2012 Clouds United Island.

2013 Loch Eire Harp.

2014 Caerdeen Celtic Rangers.

2015 The Global Warming Flood.

2016 Loch Eire Harp.

2017 Loch Eire Harp.

2018 Loch Eire Harp.

2019 Caerdeen Celtic Rangers.

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