Friday, May 1, 2020

The Elite Private Schools Of The 22nd Century

The Elite Schools of the 22nd Century League Table of Football. 
The Martian Olympus Mons School.
Ysgol Venus Aberdeen. Location Venus.
Le College Mons Huygens Satellitaire. Location The Moon.
Scuola Di Cygnus. Location Saturn Space Orbit.
Athens Galactic Supreme School. Location Greece.
Republika Asteroid Jowisza Marsa Szkoła. Location Polish Asteroid Belt Colony.
Ganymede Trillionaire Business School. Location Ganymede Moon.
The Alien Communication School Europa. Location Europa Moon.
Chinese School of Andromeda Dimensional Travel. 中國仙女座旅行團. Location New Hong Kong, The Moon.
Arufakentauri gakkō no nihon'norekishi-teki kūkan to bunka kenkyū. Location Tokyo, Japan.
The Private School of Prodigies and geniuses. Location Extra Super Space Colony.
The Continental African Military School, Location Cape Town.
Rio de Janeiro School Of Galactic Space Studies, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The Religious USA School of Trades and Engineering. Location New York City.
The Academic School of Mathematics, Science, Business, and Computing. Location Boston, USA.
The Smith Elite Genius School Academy. Location London, Great Britain.
The Preparatory School of New Los Angeles and San Diego. Location New Los Angeles.
The Evans – Broon College. Location Highlands of Scotland, Great Britain. 
Bridge Of Green Heart Girls School. Location Ireland.
The Titanium Eagle School Of Madrid. Location Madrid, Spain.
Super School For Academic Excellence And Professional Sports. Location, Jerusalem.
The Academy Of Sports, Science, Academics, and Culture. Location Paris, Europe.
The Preparatory School of Food, Baking, Catering, Cooking, And Services. Location Shanghai, Eastern China.
The Elitist School Of High Fees, Sports and Academics. Location Detroit, USA.
King James The Tenth And Queen Mary the Sixth Private High College, School. Greater London, Great Britain.
The New Latin High Academic Academy. Rome, Italy.
The International School of Military, Religion and Peace Studies. Location Sion, Switzerland.
The Private School Of Love, Integrity, Peace, and Freedom. Location Liverpool, Great Britain.   
The School of St Winifred, St Andrew, St Aber and St Zaxosoee. Location Wales.
The 1902937493038 School. Location Vienna, Austria.
The 1902937493039 School. Location Zurich, Switzerland.
The Chwarae Bore Da Ysgol. Location North Wales.
The Aristocracy School. Of Life. Location. South East England, Great Britain.
The Nouveau Riche Novia European School. Location Gothenburg, Sweden.
The Incredibly, Real, And Honest School of League Table Topping Excellence. Location Shropshire, Great Britain.
The Genuine European School Were Everyone Succeeds. Location West Midlands, Great Britain.
Business School For Making Lots And Lots Of Money, Location New York City.
The School For Religious Geniuses. Location Inverness, Scotland, Great Britain.
The School of Value For Money. Location Warsaw, Poland. 
The School For Creative, Business and Academic Arts. Location Zaragoza, Spain.
The New Study Fashionable School Of The Moment. Location.
The School That Turns Ignorance Into Intelligence And Being Clever. Location Moscow, Russia.
The School Of Perth Free And Fair Scholarships. Location Perth, Australia.
The School of Igloo Studies. Location Novia Scotia.
Lrning How Toooo Spell College, Oxford, Great Britain.
Where Is My Brain School? Location Cambridge, Great Britain.
Capitalism School Of Liberty, Freedom, Decency, Business, and Peace. Location New York City.

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