Saturday, May 2, 2020

Should the Pro14 Rugby Union Expand to North America?

Should North American sides join the PRO14, formerly known as the Celtic League? It would be a good way of expanding rugby union in the USA, and Canada. The USA and Canada have massive potential in rugby union. The games could be held in the eastern USA to reduce travel. Tames could be a in Montreal, Toronto, Chicago, New York, Miami, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC.
The major problem though is the carbon footprint. I would feel guilty for the environment. It could be tough to have teams travelling across the Atlantic Ocean every few weeks. It could seriously damage the environment, to have thousands of fans travelling across the Atlantic Ocean for games.
Canada, and the USA speak English, ss could have good banter with the English speaking clubs of the league.
There would be Scottish teams like Glasgow, and Edinburgh, plus the Irish, Italian and South African sides in the trophy.
There is talk about having teams in Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Romania, and Georgia (The country not the USA state. They could have a team in Poland, or Slovakia.
It would be like a European super league.
Should the Pro14 Rugby Union Expand to North America?

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