Monday, May 18, 2020

How about a Scotland Champions v MLS Champions Trophy?

How about a Scotland Champions v MLS Champions Trophy?

The Champions of the Scottish League could play the Champions of the American (USA, and Canada) MLS each year. With the final played in a one leg final at one of the participating teams’ home stadiums. One year it could be in Scotland, the next in North America. With each region taking it in turn to host the trophy final.  

It could be ranked as a serious trophy that could rank with the major Scottish trophies. It would be like the European Super Cup. As only two teams would participate.

The only problem is global warming. As it would mean one of the teams travelling across the Atlantic Ocean, each year. So that would add to the carbon footprint.

But if it was just one leg, with one team only travelling the Ocean, that would be better than a two leg trophy. It would be good fun, due to the connections between Scotland and North America.

It could get good attendances, due to the size of clubs. It could help USA, and Canadian football be taken more seriously by competing against a major European side.

The trophy would need to be counted as a serious trophy on a part with the official league and cup trophies.

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