Thursday, June 23, 2022

Scottish Soccer Clubs Should Play Various Styles And Systems.

Scottish Soccer Clubs Should Play Different Styles And Systems.

I have heard somebody suggest that Scottish football should create a certain style of football that all clubs and national sides must copy.

I think this would be a bad idea,

When I say style, I mean styles of football like long ball, possession football, counter attacking, physically aggressive, using only tall players.

The logic of the idea is that all players would be comfortable playing the same style of football in club and international football.

But I think it would not work with a relatively big country like Scotland.

The reasons for this is

1)      What if the wrong system is chosen?

What if the Scottish authorities chose the wrong style of football? What if we decided to choose that all young Scottish players learn how to play possession or counter attacking football. And then the fashions changed, and a better style came along that Scottish football was not using,

2)      Coaches would become tactically inept, the moment they played a team with a different system. If all the coaches and managers in Scotland used the same system only. They would only be used to playing teams that play that style of football. So they would become tactically inept the moment they played teams from other countries with different tactics and systems. Our coaches would be inept tactically from never playing against different systems. Other nations would not want our coaches because they would be considered inept at playing different systems. Our coaches have an OK reputation in other countries at present. But if they thought we could only play one style of football. We would be considered inept.


3)      Players would be inflexible with different styles from other countries,

The same as with the coaches. The players would become inept for different tactics. Teams from other countries would not buy them, because they would only want them if they played their style of football. Our players would be inept the moment they played a team with different style of football. Our national and club sides would become lower in results   


We need to have different systems, tactically, and player styles, We need to have teams trying out new systems and trying to get up the leagues. We need our coaches to be able to cope with different tactics and formations. We need players who can cope with different styles and formations. We need players and coaches who can cope with different situations and react with experience and knowledge or good instincts.

So I want a league with teams with different formations.

Scottish Soccer Clubs Should Play Various Styles And Systems.

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