Monday, June 13, 2022

Kazakhstan 2 Slovakia 1 - UEFA Nations League

Kazakhstan 2 Slovakia 1 - UEFA Nations League.

It seems that Kazakhstan are becoming a major football nation in the UEFA system. 

A few years ago in 2019, my fave national side Scotland lost 3-0 to Kazakhstan away from home in a competitive football match. 

At the time Scotland got mocked for the defeat. Yet it seems that Kazakhstan are getting more and more good results in football. 

At the time I thought it was an over reaction to act like Kazakhstan are a small nation. 

The reality is that Kazakhstan has a population of nearly 20 million people. 

It is bound to be a strong power in football soon. 

It is a rich nation, with big cities and big football clubs. So it is no shame to lose to such a nation at football. 

In the last two year Kazakhstan have drawn with Ukraine, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. And Kazakhstan has beaten Slovakia home and away. 

Slovakia are top footballing nation in terms of their population. 

Kazakhstan also lost 3-1 to Scotland in 2019 in Glasgow. 

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