Friday, September 3, 2021

I Do Not Support Scotland Having A Player Draft

I Do Not Support Scottish Football Having A Player Draft.

In American sports there are often player drafts where teams select youth players with often the best pick going to the teams who performed poorly, the previous season. This allows poorer teams to improve.  

But it would not work in Scottish football. It would be unfair on the players. 

Why should a player be forced to go where they do not want to go, and earn far lower wages? How is that fair? 

It could be the difference between a player earning thousands of pounds or having to take part time job to make ends meet The player might even give up football, rather than play part time. They might be forced to move to a city or town, where they do not want to move.

Players should be free to sign contracts with who they want. With all the information available to move to the club that well best serve their interest to develop

Plus what is to stop a vital player for the future being forcibly drafted to the a lower division side, then deciding well I would rather got to a big club in another country? 

The player draft works in American sports because the clubs are largely the same size. So there is not much difference between a bottom side in the league and the top side in the league.

The clubs in the NFL, NBA and MLB are all large in size with big income streams  So you should earn good wages at any club if you are the most talented player in the draft.  

But in Scotland a player draft could be the difference between going full time or part time. Are players likely to sign up to the player draft system rather than just going abroad to a bigger club guaranteed? 

If you were told to go with the player draft system and sign for a lower division side, or go to a Spanish La Liga, or a French Ligue 1 side. The options are obvious. 

The player draft system would not work in Scotland. It would be unfair and would encourage players to leave Scottish soccer.  

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