Thursday, September 9, 2021

I Hope There Is No Breakaway Scottish League

 I Hope There Is No Breakaway Scottish League.

I support Scotland having their own national league with European qualification. But I want the SPFL to stick together. 

I think the Scottish Premier League did not seem to improve Scottish soccer. 

I think it is better to have the four tier SPFL. It allows teams to move up and down via promotion freely. 

Clubs should be able to move up and down the league due to the quality of their football on the pitch. 

Concentrating all the power in the elite clubs did not work in the days of the SPL. 

I support B teams playing in the lower divisions, to develop young players. But I support helping the smaller part time sides also. 

The part time clubs should be free to move up the leagues and become full time with investment. 

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