Sunday, January 23, 2022

This is my new poem, 'Fly To Mystery Land.'

 This is my new poem, 'Fly To Mystery Land.'

It is a poem about the different lands you can visit in stories, and legends, and some religions. 

The poem goes, 'I walked across Middle-earth. 

And flew to Hogwarts.

Flew a bird to the Shire. 

And sailed to Atlantis.

I cut through rainforest to El Dorado. 

And somehow got to Middangeard. 

Through to the Misty Mountains. 

Onward to Gondor.

I flew by spaceship to Qo'noS.

And laughed and cried in Erinsborough. 

A trip to the Oponskoye Kingdom. 

I climbed up the Penglai Mountain. 

And sailed to Mag Mell. 

I took a trip to Arcadia. 

And marched to Mordor. 

And laughed and cried in Weatherfield. 

Then travelled back and forward to Hill Valley. 

Then laughed and cried in Walford. 

I waited for Brigadoon. 

Then sailed to Treasure Island. 

The Vikings took me to Asgard. 

The King took me to Camelot.

A robot flew me to Cybertron.

I grew animated in Auchentogle.

Did I visit Phaeton? 

And I sailed to the Isla de Muerta and Isla de Pelegosto.

And then I found wealth in Sierra de la Plata. 

I joined the army in Walmington-on-Sea. 

I broke the law in San Andreas city. 

I rescued and saved lives in Oddworld. 

I scored a goal in Melchester. 

Rescued in Levenford.

I flew to Summerisle.

And laughed and cried in Glendarroch.

I experimented in Discworld. 

I solved crimes in Lochdubh.

I travelled at lights years to Vulcan. 

Then back to Endor.

Played games on the Isle of Struay.

Off to Dagobah. 

A trip to Wonderland. 

Pan took me to Neverland. 

Through wardrobes to Narnia. 

I listened to Ambridge. 

And grew up in Balamory. 

I tried to reach in Origae-6.

I did reach Magrathea.

But all these lands could be found in the men, women and children of Earth.'

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