Sunday, August 22, 2021

Tragic End Futile Or Martyr - Poem

Tragic End Futile Or Martyr - Poem.

What is a life that ends in tragedy?

One that would be a martyr for the ages. 

It was an end that seemed futile. 

Oh futility of immortality. 

Oh sucker punched by those of immorality. 

It was an end that seemed rolled in the mud of humiliation, shame, and pain. 

The end seemed to bring pain to those that loved the conquered one. 

The end seemed to bring unbounded joy to those who seek a painful end. 

But those tragic ends seem to bring a simple pleasure to some for mere trivial scale.

That their lives were not the worst of all. 

That their lives could pick out above the bottom of the table. 

Their lives may be ruined minnows. 

But somebody else was at the foot, holding them aloft with their conquered bones in defiance. 

But what of the defeated martyr, who spread into eternity, like an eagle opening it's wings?

What of the one who lost at the end, but then won after an even later end?  

Is the martyr put upon a plinth?

That only a tragic end can reach?

For we are not all losers and tragedies in the end. 

More is not lost on the banquet of victory. 

More was gained by the feast of defeat. 

And then we begged for forgiveness for many thousands of years. 

For we begged and apologised, and built great monuments. 

For the tragedy sought guilt and revenge from some.   

And love and peace from some.

But who are we to ask for forgiveness.  

Will we all be punished for the tragedy? 

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