Monday, August 23, 2021

I Collect Football Memorabilia

I Collect Football Memorabilia.

I am bit of a obsessive collector. I have lots of soccer memorabilia. Some people do not understand collecting. But I do it out of greed, souvenir collecting, investment, historical interest, keeping a historical record, keeping something that will be placed in museums, to be remembered, to remember, to be a custodian, and to have something to do as a harmless hobby. 

I collect football programmes, tickets, autographs, photographs, newspapers, magazines, team sheets, football books, football annuals, used betting coupons, used betting slips, coins, football tops, football cards, football stickers, football clothes, football DVDs, footballs, football shorts, badges, pins, leaflets, letters and more. 

I am an obsessive about these collections. I doubt they are worth anything. But it keeps me busy. 

I focus on Scottish memorabilia, but I have football memorabilia from all over the planet. 

If a game was played in Space I would want memorabilia from there. 

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