Monday, August 16, 2021

Football With A Light Sense Of Humour But With Intensity.

Football With A Sense Of Humour But With Intensity. 

I like football to have a light sense of humour about itself. But to still have a strong passionate support. 

Scottish football should stand up for itself, and be intense. But it should also have a sense of humour also. 

I think having funny sponsors, mascots, jokes, kits, stadium names, will help Scottish football see the lighter side of life. 

We need to have an intense passionate support, but also not have nastier attitudes in football. 

When I say sense of humour. I mean we need a nice clean sense of humour. Things that kids would be allowed to laugh at. To help the family atmosphere of the football stadiums. I mean a nice friendly sense of humour, not a dangerous nasty sense of humour. 

I like to see Scottish football have funny sponsor names, and mascots. 

I want a friendly, but intense and passionate atmosphere at Scottish grounds.  

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